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Posts posted by LazR

  1. 51 minutes ago, Neil Brock said:

    It's not 'fixed' as it wasn't broken. What happened in real life is Greece changed their tax laws on January 1st. We've looked at it and felt it's something which is safe enough to put into the game for our next update. As always with competition and financial changes they require significant testing before they can be released.

    It is something you can change yourself in the editor if you're desperate to start a save game now. 


    Excuse me but it's seems the SI testing team misinterpreted the new changes, as of now the tax on professional athletic clubs is cut down to 22% (https://www.taxheaven.gr/news/46595/tropologia-gia-forologhsh-aolhtwn-ayxhsh-ekptwshs-logw-dwreas-meiwsh-fpa-se-farmaka-apallages-apo-enfia) . The current database uses this 22% accumulative, so instead of a cut, the tax rises to almost over 50%. It's mentioned as a "small bug" by the Greek Head of Research @Peritri in the greek forums  (http://www.fmgreece.gr/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=476&t=44517&start=555) and that it will be fixed with the next update.

    Other users in the forum tried to fix it with the editor but it didn't work. Also if we take into account that amateur and semi professional training can't be changed (when you try to change the training category, all weeks training vanishes - it's been logged in the bugs subforum) it's not worth to start a new save in Greece at the moment.

    I literally want to start a new game, play your game, but I rather not at the moment.

    It would be better to have an open beta available and updated for the users in order to report issues before final release of an official update.

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