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Posts posted by duwy

  1. 2 hours ago, Neil Brock said:

    As with every update, each raised internally or externally raised issue is prioritised based on the number of affected users, the severity of said issue, the complications of a fix and potential for knock-ons elsewhere. 

    We only have a limited amount of resource and that is used to make sure those of the highest priority are addressed. Whilst every code changed is checked both by other developers in code review and by our QA team, there is potential that when played by hundreds of thousands of players there may be knock-ons or problems that aren't picked up on internally. 

    That's why we really appreciate anyone who takes the time to raise anything via our Bug Trackers

    Every year after our final planned update is released, any outstanding issues will be looked at and reviewed for future versions of the game. Some of these may not be fixed directly, but incorporated and addressed in new features or revamps of existing areas. 

    That’s great to hear. Assume the IW/IF and regen issues will be fixed, as those affect everyone.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    If I hadn't read the changelist notes, and was asked if the match engine was worked on in the last update, I would have said definitely. Maybe it's just because the visuals have been optimised, but it just 'feels' so much better. The placebo effect is strong within this update...

    Regardless, I'm loving it again. 

    I know version number is the same, and the devs said "no changes to ME", but 9 one-on-ones converted in 4 games now, pretty big coincidence.

  3. 36 minutes ago, bigmattb28 said:

    Shout out to my right hand men @gunner86 @kevhamster @KingBuzzo15 @toffee71 morning chaps, ready for another 14 pages of chaos? I'm even chucking some beta speculation in there to kick us off, I'm changing my prediction of the weekend for release to either tonight or Monday, what's everyone else think?

    I think the lack of hints, teases from SI (especially from Miles) means it'll be Tuesday. I previously said Monday, but now I don't think they'll release it on the first workday of the week (never done that, if I recall correctly). If they don't start dropping strong hints by the afternoon to build hype, it won't be today.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Matshit said:

    Matches was not in full detail, as mentioned. But I would hope they still want the low detail matches as realistic as possible.


    Best (highest value) centre backs in the game is usually at around 10 for passing. One has 13, another 14. One worth more than 5 million has 15. For technique there are one with 16 and one with 17 in the highest value list with 8 as the lowest. In terms of defensive qualities, they are all pretty great.


    There is three natural right wingers who are natural left footed worth over 10 million Euro.  Five who has either foot. There are 8 left wingers who are natural right footed and four who can use either foot.

    For accomplished right wingers there are 16 who are left footed and 11 who are either. 47 accomplished left wingers are right footed and 14 either.

    Thank you, those numbers look good, especially compared to what I experienced in FM 2016.

  5. 1 hour ago, Matshit said:

    I have holidayed the game until 2039 now, and though I should make some stray observations.  No spoilers.

    - Most every league is terribly one sided. Juventus has won all but three Serie A,  Real Madrid had 10 league trophies in 11 years,  Zenit won 15 leagues in a row. I could give a lot of examples.
    - Strikers score an extremely low percentage of the goals on low detail. Only one striker has managed 30 goals in PL yet, in La Liga none has.  The most goals scored by a Golden Shoe winner is 31.  One year, the best was 20.
    - The big clubs spend way more money on star players compared to earlier games. The most spent is 128 million, with 7 players reaching triple digits.
    - On a more negative note, clubs also seems to overspend on players who hasn't really shown anything. To take an example. Leverkusen signed a player from Bayern who started 12 matches last season with a rating of 6.73. At the time he was 23 years old and had zero caps for Portugal. The prize was 45 million Euro.
    - As in earlier games, England seems to be the only nation capable of keeping hold of players. They have a few players abrouad in their national team. The Spanish team on the other hand has 2 Atletico players, 1 in Real Madrid and 1 at Real Betis, the rest playing abroad.
    - Speaking of which. A club like Barcelona has 1 "trained at club" players who are close to the first 11.
    - A surprisingly high amount of big clubs play a flat 4-4-2.
    - The French league has the two highest reputation teams, and dominate down the line having 16 of the top 32. Germany has 8 and England 5. England is the biggest reputation league, with Germany in second and France in third. Not sure how that can happen.
    If there is anything you want me to look at, shout out, but this is what I have so far.


    Hi Matshit!


    I'm interested in regens. I had two problems in FM 2016: 

    1. There weren't enough good centre back regens, and the few that were decent enough, were almost exclusively limited CBs (so no ball playing CBs with higher than average technical attributes)

    2. After circa 15 seasons, Inside forwards became extinct in my game, there were only wingers with preferred foot similar as the side they were playing on.


    Are these two things became more balanced?


    Thanks in advance :)

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