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Posts posted by sit8

  1. Hello I need help, surely someone knows how to do it. I want to change the registration rule to limit foreigners in the countries, similar to how it was before the Bosman law, so that teams do not have more than 4 foreigners and empower national teams. This way they could also have Argentina, Brazil, Croatia... better leagues and compete for continental titles.
    Setting the limit of foreigners is not a problem, the problem comes when in countries like Sweden you don't have to register players at the beginning of the season and they have 10 foreigners and they rotate them in matches. My question is, how can I make them have to register the players at the beginning of the season?
    Thanks for the help

  2. For now I have problems with England, Scotland, Sweden, Netherlands and Croatia. In the Netherlands, Sweden and Croatia there is no player registration period, could that be the problem? When I am in the game there is no registration but if I look at the competition rules it says that they are limited to 4 foreigners.

    Checking in the editor, in the first Polish there is no problem but in the second division I have the registration problem, checking in the second division there is no registration date

  3. In Netherlands the error is when I upload the file in the game, I get different registration options depending on the team it is but never the rule of 4 maximum foreigner. Regarding England, any ideas? because if you don't change the rule they will take all the players easily.


  4.  Well I have been modifying as Wolf_pd told me and I have only had problems in the Netherlands, England and Ireland (I suppose that the latter for Brexit). In the editor it does not give me a fault, but the changes do not come out in the game. In the countries where I had problems with the original country I modified a downloaded update, but in the Netherlands it did not work.

    On 18/04/2020 at 02:21, Fmfan00 said:

    are you trying to take away the limit or increase the limit.. I can explain with screenshots of how to increase the limit

    My idea is to put a limit of 4 foreigners in Europe so that it is like before the Bosman law and that the countries have to take care of their youth academy.


    Well and now that I have more or less 15 countries that work, can you put all the modifications in a single file?
    And another question can I modify with the advanced rules so that a certain team has to play only with players from its youth academy? Or restrict to hiring only players of a nationality or region?

    And above all, thanks for answering. 

  5. Hello everyone, I am writing to ask for help with the editor. My idea would be to create a db that puts a limit of 4 foreigners in all leagues, mainly in europe. This I think would equalize Europe and America and add a point of difficulty to the game. In short, a db that limits 4 foreigners registered and playing in all leagues or at least in Europe. Thanks and sorry for my english from google translator.

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