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Everything posted by tat501

  1. So it seems! But why is he playing crap? I put Raspadori in, and he tears it up in the same position, irrespective of role. How do you get more out of a single player you want to build a team around?
  2. Title says it all. Managing Napoli, trying to get good performances out of Khvaratkshelia; he's averaging a 6.8 or something over two seasons. Rarely does anything in game. Basic 4-3-3 system, he's a winger on attack, instructions to cut inside with ball, shoot more often. Got a pressing forward on attack ahead of him, a BBM on his side of the pitch, mezzala on attack on the right side of midfield because I want him to have some space and not have the mezzala get in his way, full back behind him on support. Regista in the DMC role. Team instructions are on short passing, standard tempo, play out of defence, mid block without ball - pretty simple. I've tried inverted winger, inside forward, all to no avail. Tried focus play down left. Taken off and fiddled around with his instructions such as take more risks; but the analysis tab doesnt suggest he's losing the ball all too often because he's shooting wastefully, or taking too many risks with his passing, and his average position is kind of where I'd like him to be to influence the game. He's just never really in the game. Funny thing is, if I go "instant result", or if I'm losing 4-0 or something and he's done nothing all game, then using my tactics, when the instant result comes in, he's got 3 goals and a 9.9 rating. So what am I doing wrong? He's obviously a class player so I'm obviously misusing him.
  3. Wasn't going to buy this years version, thinking to wait until the new match engine next year. But this feature is actually changing my mind. Fantastic stuff.
  4. Assuming you're still on FM 23; go into the analytics after a match (i.e. data hub, last match, "match"). Then at the bottom, "analytical data" and then the "teams" tab. Look at their shots, chances, goals, headers lost etc and you can click on each one on the pitch which interests you and see the associated highlight. This will flag up loads of interesting actions which were maybe shown in extended highlights but didn't show up if you just had key highlights on etc. You'll see repeated things - a fullback having too much space repeatedly to cross from deep for example or something like that which will get you thinking about what is going wrong with your tactics or players.
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