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Issue Comments posted by psucolonel

  1. I am experiencing this issue also.  My team has two unused Int. slots and I cannot seem to trade them.  I first thought there must be a rule being violated or something along those lines, but it doesn't appear so.  This is kind of a save killing bug.  

    Does anyone know about the status of this?  Was it fixed and now we need to begin new saves? (I really hope not) 

  2. OK...so the ONLY way I can prevent the issue from happening is to remove all of the custom graphics and then verify the game files and remove the cache & preferences folders.  

    If I do this the issue doesn't happen.  The second I introduce graphics (custom) the issue comes back.  It will come back even if I then remove the graphics folder without again verifying files and removing the two folders.  

  3. OK I tried just making some changes in preferences, and that seemed to bring the problem back again..  This was without adding any custom graphics at all.  

    There could be a few settings in particular that I think could potentially be the culprit.  

    1.  It could be happening because I untick the "use caching to decrease loading time" and then select the "reload skin when confirming changes.

    2.  It could be related to me changing Match 3D graphics quality from "high" to "very high"

    3. Changed the preference to run FM 24 in windowed mode at 125% rather than full screen at 100%



    EDIT:  OK, after playing around with the settings a bit...it appears that it is number one on this list that is triggering the issue.  So it doesn't appear to be the custom graphics themselves, but rather anytime I re-load the the skin or don't use caching to decrease loading time.  

  4. Right now I am using the 24.01 version...which is the only version available to me...is there a way for me to update?  I am a STEAM user and an official BETA tester for OOTP.  With OOTP, I am required to join a BETA group (in STEAM) and the updates are download by STEAM automatically.  I felt this would update automatically.  I am not an official tester, so I didn't think I would need to join a separate group to receive updates automatically.


    I am going to delete the save and re-start and see what happens.  

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