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Posts posted by conshaldo_bonaldo

  1. I don't see Devoted or Born Leader on there. Are those personality types taken out in FM12?

    If not, this is how they worked in FM10 and 11:

    Born Leader: Influence = 20 & Determination = 20. Age needs to be 23+ (if age requirement not met, he would be Driven).

    Devoted: Loyalty = 20 & Ambition = 6-7 & 'Likes team' rating 100+

    Edit: Ups, Leader is missing too.

    Leader: (Influence = 19) or (Influence = 20 & Determination < 20).

    Personally, i think thats hilarious - how is a born leader by attributes not a born leader because of his age? He's a born leader whatever his age! He was born a leader! lol

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