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Posts posted by roscovb

  1. Hi, I am playing an online career, as we go along the save obviously gets bigger, I am half a season in and getting an error saying I need to free up save space. I have plenty of save space, roughly 60% free, it appears the problem may be the reserved save space size, it is set at 50mb, that is one decent size save and I'm struggling to even save that right now. This happened on FM22 as well.

    Is there a fix?





  2. Me and a friend are in a network game, him at Ajax me at Benfica. I have been to 2 champions league finals have amazing young players and some of the best current players like Bellingham and Vlahovic, yet the valuations for them are pitiful and every offer from another club is very low, for instance I bought Bellingham for his buyout price, think it was £89 million 5 years on world class. He is valued at £38 million in game, by contrast my friend has some weaker players valued much higher, how does this work? My league is also higher rated due to performances in Europe. 


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