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72 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. I played as Odds BK on FM22. The Norwegian league was great fun, glad to see you enjoyed it as well! When the full game releases I'm having a crack at the Danish league as AaB. Registration rules seem pretty lax, lots of good young players and clubs with pretty decent financial health. Should be a great base for tackling Europe!
  2. I always find Germany a great place to start lower and build a club. The distribution of prize money and general good financial health of clubs being the main reason! Tempted to start as Dynamo Dresden on full release and bring a Bundesliga to East Germany.
  3. Initially I wanted him to fill the gap left when the SV ventures forward. But, now you've pointed this out I can see why it's been ineffective with the IWBs. Fair point. Thanks for pointing out player fatigue during a game has become more pronounced, I was struggling to pin point where the ME had been altered a bit. Makes loads of sense, advice appreciated. I'm usually a 4-3-3 man, but fancied trying something a little different. Agreed the left-flank is an issue, these are all great suggestions! I'm fascinated with the SV role, but so far struggling to get a lot out of it. So a switch is probably inevitable. Didn't even consider this, thanks for pointing out! I don't usually struggle like this, so advice will be taken on-board. I resorted to using a 'pre-made' tactic in a dummy game I have going as Napoli, which bore way more fruit than creating my own. I think I'll use the beta in this way too, before trying my own tactics again once the full-version/I've worked the game out a bit more!
  4. I am really struggling with FM23. Mainly; - Weaker opposition dominating and finishing clinically on most occasions (I struggled to beat Sligo Rovers 1-0). - Midfielders unable to complete simple passes or easily losing ball under pressure. - Defenders making errors every other game. I've no idea what has changed from FM22 to FM23. Not here to say the game is rigged or any of that crap. But, there is something fundamentally different about this match engine and it has not been communicated by the producers. Anyone care to enlighten me? Current tactic attached. Basic principles are: - Pressing high up with a top heavy set-up. Positive mentality as we're one of the stronger teams in the division. - Play out of defence to avoid hoof-ball, but with some directness further on in build up. - SS, IFa, FBa to provide overlaps and movement. DLPd to be the one spreading ball directly to them, or DLFs to come deep and play it short to them. - SVs to drive team forward. IWBs to cover the gap he leaves when further forward.
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