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Dave Fairbairn

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24 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Berwick, England

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  1. I looked everywhere and this guide does not seem to exist. I've never seen the solution posted on the forum anywhere and I've been trying to do this for YEARS and finally sussed it yesterday. 1. Make tournament like normal. 2. Go to the "<comp name>/Stadium Rules/Host Nation" panel in advanced rules. 3. Activate the "Host Nation" box and choose the rules. 4. Activate the "Possible Host Nations" box and fill it with the countries you'd like eligible as hosts. 5. Activate the "Host Stadium Pool" box. 6 Activate the "Stadium Pool" just below it, add a new entry to it and select the entry so the details panel appears. 7. Activate "Start year" and put the year you want these rules to start. You can also use "End Year" to end use of the rules if you wish, though I just left it blank. 8. Activate the "Capacity Requirements" box and add your entries. This should be pretty self explanatory. From top to bottom, the game will choose stadiums based on these entries. Two things to keep in mind, these options are all on the same panel, and the other "stadium pool" panels just don't seem to work, at least for me, unless you're using specific stadiums. It should look something like this: It takes a few seasons for it to kick in properly, and if you set the stadiums required too extreme, it might just use the same country over and over again, but yeah.
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