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Everything posted by zoaghouweel

  1. Searching for a player in the scouting section, selected 'very interessed' at transfer, first player won't even talk to me. the title is selfexplaining. I was on the hunt for a new centerback. I made a few selections in the scoutingsection, i aksed to show me only the very interested players and i got some players. First player won't even look at me. That is surely not the right outcome after selected only the very interested players?? in this example it is about Frederik Jakel. He is not interested. I made a few print screens and attached them to the post
  2. adding this: it absolutely baffles me every time when i offer an semi-pro contract to a staff employee for 2 or 3 times the money they are on with a full time contract, they turn me down. 2 or 3 times the money for half (?? at least less work than full) time. I don't get that. Surely that is broken or needs an improvement. If my employer offer me 3 time the money for more time of work, i would not doubt it for a second.
  3. Hi, i came across a bug that is in FM for a couple of years now and i think it is finally time to fix it. I started a save with SSV Ulm in the 3. liga and at the start i didn't had a second team. I did however had an U19 team. After promotion the board asked me if i was interessed in a second team, Ulm II. As in the previous FM-games, the second team started as an semi-pro club, Ulm is a pro club, straight from the start of the save. Nothing to do with me or the board, it was already there. Because Ulm II is semi-pro, i can't hire a manager or trainers on a full time contract, which scares away anyone with any potential. I also can't bring out an add to attract a manager or other staff. I think it is weird that the second team of a pro-club starts at a semi-pro level with no option to ask the board to go pro with the second team. It does not make any sense because with the current set up, the second team is no use to me AND because there is no staff, i have to play the matches as manager for the second team as well. I'll upload my savefile with my name and Ulm in the description.
  4. Hi, please check my printscreens. I use a attacking Pressing Forward and in one screen is it translated als DZ and the other screens it is DZS. It is conviousing.
  5. Hi guys, this one is a bit harder to describe but i't annoys me greatly. when i want to look at individual players in the 'selection'-screen, i click on the player and then click on the back-button. But after clicking on the back-button it does not go back to the same part of the screen as i started. I have the scroll back to the part of the screen i started and that is very very annoying if you do a team-inventory at the start of a new save! i'll try to show in in a few print screens.
  6. Hi guys, Here a bug that is not new for FM24. It was already present in FM23 and i think even further away. I get emails about the next game from my assistent and the order is always wrong. see my printscreen.
  7. I was looking for new signing in the players search screen and there i saw Riedewals, a player on € 226k a month in my list, while my budget is 600k a month. I wanted to report that as a bug and while i was switching languages for the print screen, i saw the dutch translations has only 5 options in interested players, the english version has 6. Surely both must have 6?
  8. Hi, i just happened again, on the 1st of february. i will upload a previous gamefile.
  9. Hi, i always play with the setting that i am the one who signs staff members, also for the under 18 and reserves. But in my current save on FM 24 early access the board suddenly signs staff members for me, even though i didn't ask them to. See my print screens.
  10. hi, In my youth squad Arend Jan van de Wetering has appeard twice. 1 is already enough, even too much :-) see printscreen
  11. Hi, I've uploaded the same screen twice, one of the dutch version and one of the english one. 'New Intermediary suggestion' is wrongly translated. In the dutch version in says: 'nieuw suggestie voor tussenpersoon' which freely translates to: new suggestion for intermediary. It should be new suggestion from intermediary or in dutch: nieuwe suggestie van tussenpersoon. it looks a small difference but it means something else entirely.
  12. Hi, i am in a FF Jaro-save in Finland and after a season or two, i got the option to raise a U23 team. The team emerged as a amateur team and my first team and u20-team are proffesional. so that does not make any sense. But the annoying thing is, i can't any staff, i can not publish an advertisement or make someone in my organisation responsible to sign staffmembers because i don't get that options. FM22 had the same issue. Please fix it.
  13. Hi, I got a youth intake and i signed a few players, the rest i want to let go. I got an email where i can tell per player if i want to offer a contract, or not. But the interface is broken. When i select one of the two options, the interface changes to no decision made. That is not right. I just told the screen i do not want to offer a contract. I made some printscreens. Yes, i do use a custom skin but when i change it to the Fm skin that comes with the game, the same issue emerges. interface bug.docx
  14. In the tactics-screen, when i click on the dropdown-button to select another player, the optoins start not with the first and best choice, top in the menu. It starts in the middle or in this screenshot, it starts at the bottom. That's feels weird and needs to be fixed imo because it needs to start at the top. thank you
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