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Everything posted by damjanovski

  1. I do like very much the last update. For me, the most important is the match engine and although it is stated that the changes are minor, I see actualy big difference. What do I mean: In the previous version, the match engine was prety robotic. The passes were very quick and pinball like. Now, the passes, build up play are much smother. Even, the shots and GK saves feel more natural. I hope this will be the final update. And, for all the players complaining, this is by far the best FM version ever, and I played every single one since 2003-2004 CM.
  2. First of all,not all.the games were high scoring ones, far from it. Second, the biuld up play I mentioned did not corespond to.gigh scoring games. With the update, there are things that I noticed and confirmed after watching several games: 1. Biuld up play is much faster. 2. Passes are moving much fater 3. As I mentioned before, players rush the ball far more instead of combining from their own half, which was indeed the case before the update. In short, watching the games before the update felt much more lime an real game than after the update. We can debate on this forum and I believe that you.do not own the exclusive right of opinion. Thank you,
  3. From beautiful ME to pinball one, with playars just rushing forward with no biuld up play. Well done SI, you ruined the game. But, for some players who just want stats and just simulate the games, this is dream come true. But, for the rest of us, who are watching the games, this is 2 steps back.
  4. Quick notice from the update - the best thing about this year game before the update was the ME and particulary the build up play. Now, the beautifull build up play is gone. The game feels much more like a pinball with much faster passes and play. The players just rush the ball forward insted making build up play like before. I will play more but I realy do not like the updated ME.
  5. It seems that once the players start scoring in a game, a few goals, they cannot stop. So, eather there are normal scoring games and very high scoring games.
  6. My humble insight on this year ME and December update: This is best ME ever. The build up play first time actualy feels like a real football game. Positional play is on another level. Players are much more intelligent with or without the ball. Regarding the already discussed highscoring games my assessment is that the players shots are overpowered. Even players with low attributes shooting are scoring consistently. Second, crossing accuracy and speed is also overpowered. Here, also players with low crossing attributes look like David Beckham in the best days. The solution here is not to reduce the number of shots or crossing but the accuracy and speed. I believe the developers are also avare and we will enjoy this years addition with the next patch.
  7. I still stand by the claim that this is the best ME ever. However, I believe the main issue for high scoring games is the accuracy of the shooting. Even players with low long shots and finishing attributes are able to consistently hit the target and score goals. If this is to be tonned down, we will be enjoying the game more, Just me modest opinion,
  8. No, how come Chelsea Man City 3-4, it must me that the ME is broken 🤣
  9. Hello, I am playing in Portugal and I cannot see more than average goals per game. In real life, the average is somewhere below 3 goals per game.( in some leagues more). In the game, in my league is around 3 goals. So, I realy do not see why the people are complaining. The ME is realy good, I do not want to be ruined after the full release.
  10. Hello everyone, As a player that has played every FM game since 2003-2004 CM, i have the experience to say somethig about this edition. First I want to note that although not every previous edition was good, and some of them I played very rarely despite I bought each one of them. I wanted to support the developers because no such a game exist. Before I write about FM 24, I want to note that for me the most important thing about any FM game is the ME. Every other thing is addition to the ME and it should translate in the ME. So, I thought to write longer review about this year wdition of the game, but I will be short and say this: This is the best ME ever!!! Just to add, not in years, but ever! I realy enjoy the game. Thank you for the developers.
  11. Here are my thoughts on the latest patch: 1. Crossing - here I can see improvement because the fullback and wingers/inverted wingers make more crosses and it feels much more natural. Also, the players now make more intelligent crosses which was not the case before. 2. Passing - here there are positives and some negatives that I noticed. First, the positives are that the players do not just pass the ball but they will try to make some space before they do it. About the negatives, it was mentioned by a few members before me the higher number of passes but I will try to explain the reason why this is the case. This is probably caused by high tiki-taka first time passes either by players inside their own box or in the opposite box. For example, defenders win the ball and they make 4-5 passes in their own box which does not seems realistic. Apart from this, I also thing that the general accuracy of the passes should be toned-down a little. 3. Dribbling - here I also see positives. The players do try more dribbles and will try to create space before passing/shooting. 4. Shooting - positives only here. Players now in contrast than before the patch try to create space and than shoot, instead like before when the just made the shoot without an effort to create the space needed. Overall I am satisfied with the patch and now I can start some good save.
  12. Also, I just saw the real life stats: Premier league 1. Man City - 688 passes per game 2. Liverpool - 621 passes per game, others are less. But, I want to repeat, the ME is far better than before, don't just watch the stats, watch the gameplay!
  13. Please stop just seeing the stats and watch the game. The ME is much improved with the latest patch. There are higher amount of passes because the game is more quicker. But. In every other aspect the ME is better!
  14. At first glance the ME looks way better. I will need to play few games to confirm this, but I am positive.
  15. It is not about early cross or work the ball. I am talking about situations where the player is all alone on the wing in a situation where the only logical option is to cross, and he waits until the opposing player closes him. Or, he turn and cross after he missed the opportunity in the first place.
  16. I think I had enough time to write short summary of the match engine. First of all I want to write about the positives: 1. The game look more natural and realistic, the pressing works really nice and the players make more mistakes which is a positive thing. Now about the negative things and most of them repeat year after year: 1. Crossing - this is one of the most annoying thing in the game. The players get in the position to cross often all alone in the wing and they just stay there waiting for a opposing player to catch them and play it back to a team mate, or make back turn and cross from an awful position or pass to the other side of the pitch witch is extremely not realistic. 2. Passing - for this there is big comment section about the pass above the head, but I want to notice that most of the time the players make really fast pass as soon as they receive the ball without even trying to dribble at all. 3. Dribbling or the lack of it - this is also mentioned by the members here but I want to stress it further. The problem is that often time the players do not try to make space with the ball to shoot/pass/cross they just shoot/cross/pass with player next to the. Even world class players make these stupid things which is nonsense. 4. Shooting - Here it lack variety. Players just blast the ball. In the past editions in the earlier versions ex. 2012, 2017 the shooting was far better than today. As I mentioned previously the players do not try not make space to shoot the just shoot even if there is player in front! I hope that these thing can be improved so we can play the game. Cheers.
  17. I really do not understand so many complaints for this game. I play this game for nearly 20 years now, and I can comment about it. This version is big improvement. The ME is realy nice, with the pressing is now more realistic than ever. Scouting is also improved as I can see for now. As some of the developers wrote, this game is football simulation with thousends of variables. This is not FIFA it is not about graphics and I am very happy about it. We must be grateful that such game exist in this time.
  18. Yes, this happens a lot. I thing that the problem is that a few years back they tried to reduce the number of crosses because some people complained about the high number of crosses and they came up with this. I thing it is unnatural and really annoying. i hope that someone from SI team reads this and correct this issue because it is so unnatural.
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