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35 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. I was going to mention that maybe the "stop crosses" instruction was asking your wide players to stick close to the oppositions crossing threats. Leading to situations like this one; Seems like a solution has been found though.
  2. Just spitballing here; You're trying to create what looks like a 3-2 in build up; but with the two players in the CM spot on support you might be seeing more of a 3-4 in build up, with no easy access through to the players on the wing. You've also got a player who is going to attract the ball on a defensive role, a player who is going to cycle possession, but not split defenses. I'd perhaps try the playmaker higher up the pitch (RPM or DLP in the CM strata) and ask your CM's to be a touch more aggressive (BBM to CM(A). Given you're very narrow at the bottom, you have to play wingers for mine. Let the people player those spots settle into a W(A) and W(S) role before judging them. Maybe look to see how something like this goes.
  3. Think about it from a logical standpoint. Where are your goals coming from? Looking at this set-up you're expecting the Advanced Forward to score about 70% of your goals, with the CM on Attack chipping in with a few and the inside forward scoring a few. You've got an IF(S) which is generally more of a creative/supply role than a finisher. You've got a W(A) which is also more of a supply role, though in a different manner. If you don't want the push the mentality to a more attacking one, then I'd suggest putting the IF onto Attack and the winger on support. You're then creating an additional goal threat and hopefully not losing too much supply wise. It might also pay to create width on the left. Rather than an IFB on defend, go for a Wingback on Support or attack. If you're married to the 3-2-5 build up the DM to HB and Roaming Playmaker to DLP will keep that build up, otherwise you can roll with a 2-3-5. RPM to DLP might help in both a 325 and 235 buildup.
  4. I mean; This part of this ignores the fact that a 3-1-6 attacking pattern exists. I'd argue that you're more looking for balance in pitch areas. Two or three runners coming from central midfield is an attempt to exploit, but it could also fit within the bounds of 5 runners/5 sitters.
  5. So; The ball hitting the woodwork isn't always recorded as the ball hitting the woodwork unless it hits the woodwork without hitting another player. It seems like SI might be using the OPTA definition of "off target" shots "A shot hitting the frame of the Goal is classified as a Shot Off Target unless the ball subsequently enters the net. A Blocked Shot is not classified as a Shot Off Target." when this should only be used for On Target, Off Target and Blocked Shots.
  6. Arsenal in season one have the supporter expectation "become recognised as the best of the rest" I finished 3rd in season 1 behind City and United. I would've thought after the 2nd in 2022/23, then a 3rd in 2023/24 this vision would've been completed quite easily.
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