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153 "Just keep swimming"

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    Newcastle United

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  1. I love the detail you're putting into this save, really unique and important for the narrative Billy Bricknell as a Chief Scout as well! He was a serious bagsman at Isthmian Premier League level. One of them players who was just a complete finisher and not much else. You wouldn't see him get involved for 70 minutes then he'd pop up with a brace. When you posted his history his numbers are pretty impressive for most seasons!
  2. I am not going to be buying a half baked game, quite simply Football Manager with no international management is ridiculous. I look forward to FM26 as they have assured us it's going to be ready by then. But FM25 is not going in my basket
  3. Interesting region to play football! I love the small countries like Timor Leste, not surprised their clubs have Portuguese name/badge influence
  4. Nice to see a European league which doesn't get much exposure at all!
  5. Great stuff mate, Michael Mifsud is a hero. I wish we could call up all these Maltese heritage players in real life! Teddy Teuma and Jodi Jones have been good for us but we need more depth in quality! Enjoying reading the progress so far
  6. Possibly your most dominant team so far this! Looking forward to the 3 team league
  7. Erm moving to a 21k capacity stadium.. what kind of money do they have at this club?!
  8. Loving these influx of random players in each country so far
  9. I normally rate my Geography as pretty strong but have to be honest and say i've not heard of Bougainville before, are these real clubs?
  10. My favourite kind of save! I like the idea of you bringing 1 or 2 of your best players from your previous club to your new one if possible, some will definitely put in some serious air miles!
  11. I know this is a bit of a niche question considering FM24 is out, but i've gone back to one of my old favourite saves on FM14. I know you can search by personality on the transfer centre in later games, but did this exist on FM14? When i'm looking on the list I can't see it, but maybe i'm missing it hidden away somewhere else? I want to see if there's any 'model citizen' players out there I can sign
  12. Just read this thread from the beginning.. wow some of them views, definitely tempting me into making a trip to the Scottish highlands!
  13. Qatari Maldini Could've done with one of them at the World Cup last year
  14. Macau is a very rare one! Would've loved to see a screenshot of that
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