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30 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. Only thing I didn't like about fm classic was the lack of edited databases and the cap on leagues and players loaded. If they changed that, and of course made general tweaks to the game......would have been great!!!
  2. Because the 3d graphics have been one of the top priorities of SI for years and years. Just because people are complaining each year that they aren't very good doesn't mean they have been prioritising them. They've not been very good because the engine they used for them probably wasn't good enough. That doesn't mean they haven't been important to them. I'm biased, I know. I never wanted 3d graphics in the first place. That was never why I played fm. I appreciate graphics can have an affect on immersion for people but I started playing this game when it was just commentary and the immersion was just fine. The 2d pitch was the same. There is a difference between immersion and having pointless features just because they are in the real world. Yes, social media is a thing but what exactly does it add to the game to make you feel more immersed in it? All I see is that people find it irritating and pointless. You obviously know more about match engine etc than I do and I totally agree that it's a benefit if what you say is true and it improved all round gameplay. But that likely won't be in FM25. Maybe not even in 26. Maybe it's me and the game has evolved into something that no longer holds as much interest to me. Just appears that it could be going in a direction I'm not as bothered about. Maybe I'll be wrong and it will be amazing. Right now though, these updates......good for transparency but not a great look.
  3. To be honest I think I'll just have to either play an older version with that database i.e. 08 or 12 or give up trying to play football manager anymore. It's been so long since I last got into a version but tried 24 a week ago and it was just painful. Wasn't remotely fun. Took so long just to get through things. I realise this is in part that I've got older and changed, interests have changed etc. I love detail and stats but the stuff that makes the game take so long is stuff I don't have any interest in. And the amount of clicks to get through screens etc.......man. I swear there used to be versions that had the perfect balance of realism and detail but streamlined play until one version came out and it was a complete slog to play through. I was hoping a whole database could be transferred from 24 to 12 but realise that's a ridiculous thing to hope for as they're completely different games!
  4. Oh I agree that this would be beneficial, I'm sure! Id rather see even more work done on the ME and the time and effort used for the graphics to be put into other stuff that's long needed changing. But anyway, that's not the case and we shall hopefully at least see some screenshots soon! Maybe I'll be blown away by the new graphics and layout! For me to be able to play regularly though, I need the bloatware gone and/or a definitive way to streamline the game without losing the immersion and certain details, like an FM Touch but with more players/clubs/leagues able to be loaded!
  5. True, and of course the judgement should be reserved regards the graphics until we do see something.....but for me personally, graphics were never something that needed an overhaul. For most, that isn't why people play it. Side, the 3d match engine can be good to watch but I was happy with the 2d matches lol maybe I'm outnumbered regards to that. Not saying the graphics overhaul won't end up being decent, just personally have no interest in that. I do feel this all has the makings of a mini disaster for SI.......we shall see!
  6. This is what happens when the focus is on making a game look more like FIFA than worrying about the gameplay and immersion. The game, in my opinion, never needed to be upgraded graphically. It's football manager not FIFA manager. There has been issues in the game for so many years that needed addressing more than a graphical overhaul. Yes, international management being one of them, academies and youth representation in-game, another. But year after year the game has been bogged down by pointless things like social media rubbish, press conferences etc that it takes so long to play......for the older FM fan it's now almost impossible and too tedious to play. Too many clicks to get anything done. I've no issue with women's football being introduced, but not at the expense of progress in other areas! I stopped playing this game regularly around 2015 and this update and the whole move and importance of graphics to si has reminded me why. Certainly won't be purchasing FM25. Need to find me a legal digital download of FM12 to buy! I hope FM25 turns out to be a huge success but SI clearly have graphics and 3d engine as priority. Perhaps including women's football at the same time as a graphical overhaul was a little short sighted, if not admirable!
  7. Wait, so you can't simply transfer a database from one version to another yet? You're doing this all by hand so to speak??? Jesus dude, that would take years! I applaud you, massively, but must be a way to scrape all the database data from fm24 and implant it into fm12 lol wonder if AI could be used to help speed up and make it easier to do?
  8. Awesome! Well cant wait for some more news regarding it! Might actually be able to get into FM again! Always wondered if an option couldnt be put in to literally transfer one FM database into another (older) version of FM! For players like us that done the time nor inclination for the intricacies of the modern FMs!
  9. Sign me up! Is FM08 able to be played without a VM with XP on it? Unlike 07! Welcome to DM me any more news if better! Look forward to this! Would we be able to also update with new player images etc?
  10. Oh wow, id definitely be interested in that! What version was it again? FM12?
  11. Yep, totally relate to everyone else here. I have had to accept that I probably prefer thinking about FM more than playing it now. Im 40 soon and you just dont have the time nor inclination to play for 8 plus hours on end. I havnt got into it properly from around 2012-2014 and recently tried 2024 and ended up uninstalling it. Its just far too tedious to play and setup, plus I like the stats and attributes, scouting and finding great players but it felt like all i was doing was clicking in and out of screens and not getting anywhere. Again, this is partly on me but I still harbour fantasies of taking Southend up through the leagues, or building up a Swiss or Austrian smaller club to get into Europe or something similarly as obscure. Just isnt likely to happen now with how life is and how bogged down the game has become. Sad times!
  12. Id be very interested if it was basically a database switch - 2024 into one of the older games like 07,08 or best 12! Great work anyway buddy!
  13. Ah dude, this could have been that wrote this lol totally agree. I have also not been into FM since about 2012. And fair enough, I had a son in 2010 and im now turning 40 next month......not gonna play this like i once did in my teens but tried 2024 and its so slow and tedious. I love detail to a degree.......love attributes, stats and lots of players and teams but so much else is bloatware! Unless anyone manages to switch the 2024 database into fm07/fm08 or fm12 im not sure ill ever be able to get into it again, sadly! And maybe its just me and times have changed!
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