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hammer man

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35 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    St Albans City

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  1. Thanks mate. I was looking in the points deductions in a different place.
  2. Unfortunately, the points deductions for Everton forest, Reading, Wigan etc are not showing up for me to remove. Thanks for your help. I will just keep them as they are. Many thanks and keep up the great work.
  3. I've tried this but I cannot see the Everton, wigan and Reading reductions.
  4. Loving this database. I'm now in the process of doing the relegations and promotions and starting a new season. How can I reset this so that all the points deductions are wiped out and everyone starts with zero points. Thanks for all your work on this. It really is appreciated by everyone!
  5. Personally I can't wait for the huge upgrade coming with FM25. However,I dreamd to think what state it will be released in. Bearing in mind that FM is over 25 years old and is still being released every year with more bugs than I'm a celebrity!
  6. how are people getting dressing room , briefing room etc backgrounds to show? I could'nt get them to work last year.
  7. Has the Editor been fixed yet? That should never have been released in the state it is!
  8. How do I stop all the annoying inductions and help steps?
  9. Anybody else feel that the match day is a little hazy/foggy? Or is it just me?
  10. My son is club physio at Bradford Park Avenue so it's a BPA save for me! First job? Sack the physio! 😆
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