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Posts posted by PinkSpeedos

  1. On 18/11/2021 at 10:17, diLLa88 said:


    Sporting Lisbon sitting at a casual 54 crosses per game on average after 11 games. The average of the league is ~32 crosses per game. Seems a bit much........

    There are only two teams in my Serie A save that have an average cross rate around the norm for real life. Juve currently have an average of 50 crosses a game.

    Half the league are averaging more than 32 a game. 

    Something is very broken here. 

  2. On 18/11/2021 at 10:12, Domathon said:

    Something is seriously wrong here I cannot enjoy my long green save whilst I’m winning so many games because I have set my corners up and I get 1 or 2 every game , the ai hasn’t set his up and he’s doing okay aswell with one very other 👍 

    I'm starting to struggle to enjoy my save as well. Basically all I see are headed goals. Very dull. My CB has 6 goals in 20 games. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended on double figures.

    I don't seem to concede any goals other than headers. 

    Crossing needs a big overhaul. 

  3. 13 minutes ago, Mars_Blackmon said:

    Not as much or not as obvious as it was in the beta. Someone would have to test for concrete evidence. 

    But me not noticing as much could be a result of ditching my corner routine and using the default so I won’t exploit near posts…

    I don't think it's just near post. I've seen people having just as much success at the back post and back post headers in open play have come across as being strong also.

    Which is why I think it's more of a heading issue in general, rather than a corner specific issue

  4. 29 minutes ago, Valleyg said:

    I was going to ask a similar question. Stats seem to differ depending on where you look, but some seasons, 900 is more than any team in the Premier league attempts over a season. 900 would give an average of 23.7 and this would be the highest average from 1 team with the rest being lower. I wonder which season it was that 5 teams attempted over 1000 crosses.

    Sorry, I should have been more specific, this is in my current save. I thought I would look at other leagues as a comparison to the league I am currently playing in 

  5. 20 minutes ago, Mars_Blackmon said:

    The conversion rate for crossing in FM is way higher than reality and the amount is also higher. Can’t really speak on headers specifically but in beta there was a problem with shorter guys winning headers way too often.

    Are you finding that problem in the main game as well? Has there been confirmation that things were changed from the beta on this?

    Just wondering to cover all bases and get varying insights on it. 

  6. 13 minutes ago, Valleyg said:

    I'm ready to stand corrected, but it does sound like a lot of crosses. 27 crosses would make you the team with the most crosses in Europe from the stats I saw.  So seeing there are teams crossing 35, 45 times a game sounds high.

    Just looking at some other leagues for comparison.

    In the Prem, the top 5 teams have attempted just over 1000 crosses in 37 games, with a completion rate of between 29% and 25% - that equates to between 26/27 crosses a game up to 31/32 crosses a game. The next 4/5 teams aren't far behind that.

    France is looking a little more normal with the highest average crosses per game being 24.5

  7. 9 minutes ago, Valleyg said:

    I have seen the same figure of 64 crosses to produce 1 goal that you have seen. If it the same source, that website also suggests that statistically, the top 5 teams in Europe are crossing the ball around 20 to 25 times a game.....these are the top 5, so the rest are crossing the ball less. How many crosses are happening in an average fm game I wonder?

    Just done the maths and I have a team in my league who are attempting over 45 crosses a match.

    This is in Serie B (Italy).

    The next 6/7 teams are around 35 crosses a match. 

    I'm producing 27 crosses a game.

    So maybe it's not the strength of the heading, but the frequency with which crosses are being delivered, which in turn leads to more headed goals happening? 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Valleyg said:

    The official premier league stats for 2020/2021 were 1024 goals scored, 170 were headers. So for that season it was about 16.6% of goals scored were headers. Again, I know this is going to be different for different leagues, seasons etc, but just an idea on what goes on irl.

    If I take corners as a measurement (and it's not perfect because not every corner scored will be a header but a fair assumption to say most will be), in real life, in the Prem, a goal is scored from a corner in 1 out of 10 games. 

    Something like a 2.2% conversion rate.

    In my current season, the top performing team has 14 goals from corners in 37 matches. That's a goal every 2.6 games.

    Lots of teams with 7/8 goals from corners (myself included). That's a corner scored every 4.6 to 5.2 games.

    Now, this probably points more towards an issue with corners themselves, possibly defensive positioning etc, but I do think the strength of attacking headers is feeding into this 

  9. 10 minutes ago, sdx15 said:

    Honestly, It seems that attackers score a lot in general. Maybe even the finishing is too good.

    I am the most dominant team in my league (Latvia), but I always outscore my xG and my attackers are scoring 1.33 goals per game. Other teams in the league also heavily depend on their strikers.

    When it comes to headers, a high amount of crosses, and in my case a ridiculously high cross conversion rate of 38%, may explain the high amount of headed goals.

    I think that may be more to do with the XG stat being a little misleading, rather than finishing being too good in general. I can't say I'm seeing an obscene amount of goals in general. Shorelines appear pretty normal in the vast majority of games. 

    But I am noticing a huge amount of headed goals. 

  10. I'm currently playing with an almost identical set up. 

    As mentioned above, I have my DLP and CM the other way round. The CM(D) will sit deeper which covers the FB(A) better. I also have my CB on the left side on cover (but I am thinking about trialling this on the right CB slot instead as I've been caught out there a few times rather than on the left). 

    The WB(S) is actually a pretty attacking role. I've gone with a FB(S) there who won't commit quite as much and will often play nice through balls to the IW(A).

    One thing I'm finding (I don't know if this is the same for you) is that in attack, things can sometimes become very congested in the final third. I've tried with a W(A) on the right side but didn't like how that played out. 

    I'm playing this with a focus on possession, so that's where our systems differ, but be interested to see how it plays out in a more counter style.

    What I've found is that the central midfield pairing are integral to any success you have. You need to get the right players there. I've gone for players with high teamwork, work rate, anticipation, off the ball, marking and tackling (but obviously an emphasis on passing and vision for the DLP). If you can find two solid players in those positions, it will go a long way to making this a quality tactic. 

  11. 19 minutes ago, Belap said:

    To me, the real question would be why you chose overlap with 2 inverted minded wingers. Who is there to overlap? I'd think that the mezzalla gets dragged out of position so much by that that the centre is underwhelmed and when faving a setup like yours, I would definitively play through centre and defend with more width. 

    Imo you should think about underlapping and definitively balamce your side out. 

    2 wingbacks with 2 inside forwards or if you want 1 inverted winger. 

    More stable midfield. It seems like a variant on tiki taka so a registra would do as dm if you have over 60% possession, with a bwm and a bbm on midfield, or if you are under a 60% possession, have a halfback as dm with a mezalla and a bwm and then switch the wingback on the side of the mezalla to a fullback :)

    As me anything you didnt understand, I see now my post has become a bit cluttered. 


    So if youre dominant, Id line up


    IF IF/IW





    That is, if you would rather win 3-2 than 1-0 ofc


    If you are often the weaker side:


    IF IW





    Thanks for your feedback. 

    I've tinkered with it again a little bit (before seeing your comment) and beat top of the table Liverpool, 3-1

    Went with the following:


    WB(S) - BPD(C) - CD(D) - WB(S)


    MEZ(A) - BWM(S)

    IF(S) - IW(A)


    Shorter passing, play out, low crosses, focus through the middle, lower tempo

    Distribute to CBs, hold shape, counter press

    Defender narrow, higher line of engagement, more urgent, prevent short GK kicks


    DLF seems to hold things up top a little better which takes some of the pressure off the defence. The Mezella scored a hat trick so I was probably missing that attacking threat from midfield (as was mentioned further up). 


    You've said about defending wider - can I ask why you think that would be a good idea? 



  12. 52 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

    Well, the right flank (or half, if you will) seems to adventurous (risky), whereas the left one is a bit too conservative. 

    It's hard to offer meaningful advice on what you could/should do because you said the tactic had worked well for so long. Because I personally would change a lot, but given that the tactic did work well, I fear that any big change would ruin it completely. 

    I would appreciate any and all feedback to tie external ideas into my own. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

    I don't know how it has worked for you so far, but this tactic as such does not really look solid to me (on the whole). Btw, you forgot to mention the mentality.

    Positive mentality.


    It's worked very well up until now. Striker scoring 15+ every year. Goals from out wide and midfield. Not conceding too many goals either. 


    I've just made some changes so it looks like this now.


    FB(A) - BPD(C) - CD(D) - FB(S)


    MEZ(A) - BWM(S)

    IF(S) - IW(A)


  14. Hi everyone, 

    I'm seven games into my fifth season with Leeds United. Promoted in the first year, a solid 12th place in season 2, 9th in season 3 and finally qualified for Europe in season 4. However, in this new season, I'm struggling immensely, despite having added a lot more quality to my side. 

    I'm using the tactic, and variations of the tactic, that I've been using from the start. It's worked well and got my team playing the football I've been wanting them to play but that's all stopped now.

    My tactic is as follows.


    WB(A) - BPD(C) - CD(D) - WB(A)


    DLP(S) - BWM(S)

    IF(S) - IW(A)



    Tactical Instructions

    In Possesion - Short passing, play out of defence, work ball into box, over lap left and right, higher tempo, fairly narrow

    In Transition - Distribute to centre backs, hold shape, counter press

    Out of possession - defend narrower, higher line of engagement, more urgent, prevent short GK distribution


    I'm thinking that after qualifying for Europe, teams in the league are taking me more seriously now and setting up differently. Last season I ground out results against the top sides but now I'm getting absolutely trounced by them. Mixed results against lesser sides where last season form was pretty consistent (we lost 9 games all year last season, lost 4 in the first 7 games this season). 

    My inside forward scored 14 and assisted 10 last season, 9 scored and 10 assisted the year before. He's now 5 games without a goal or an assist and on a 6.5 rating (never finished a season on less than 7 in this save). Am I to presume that opposition teams will be setting up to counter him? How might I solve this? 


    Just looking for some advice on what might be happening and how I might go about dealing with it. The tactic did work, can't see why it would stop working as a tactic, must be how the opposition is setting up.

    If you need more details, please just ask. 




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