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Everything posted by rougon

  1. I've bought every FMM since, Idk, back when Bobby Zamora was a goal machine. For the first time, I am seriously doubting I'll buy the next year's installment. I don't think a blog post explaining why the decision was made--unless there is some AMAZING, unheard-of benefit to gamers--will convince me. It adds an unnecessary step in getting the game, seems to lock me into a broader Netflix subscription, and is a bad direction. It's also bad PR to just promise a blog post that will solve all doubts as if you can't tweet more than once. And, frankly, how many threads here hit 3 pages this fast? People have serious questions that do not seem to be taken seriously. That in itself is a bad sign.
  2. I mean, I've had testy boards before, but... Can you direct me to how one exports a saved game (on iOS)? It's been ages.
  3. I am coaching Tamworth in the VNN. The season is going great (lost in FA Cup but progressing in the FA Trophy, #1 in the league, good squad morale and excellent finances), but after a Championship side offered me a job, which I declined, my Board Confidence tanked. It is currently an overall "D" (it was an "F") last month. Granted, "Rich Benefactor" is unlocked, but I'm wondering if this is a bug as I have always had good marks from the board (screenshot of recent results for a sense of how the season is going).
  4. Has anyone else found being unemployed at the start of the game harder? I've run through 7-10 starts with different leagues, but jobs opening up are much rarer in this version. Like, there is 1-2 Premiere League jobs open in the first year in about 2/3 of my tries (the other 1/3 being none, or 1 at the end of the season). This seems not only unlike the actual league, where there is a lot of turnover, but also a lot less fun!
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