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Posts posted by sirmikey

  1. First and foremost, I am sorry if this breaks any rules. I have scoured Google for hours with no joy. I saw his name on here over the past few days but can't remember what thread!

    There is a young footballer out there widely regarded as a huge talent. His name is 'Omnihem' or something along those lines. I can't for the life of me find any information on the kid.

    PLEASE can someone put me out of my misery and give me his full name.

  2. Long time lurker here, just need to vent my frustrations.

    Won the treble first season - Prem, FA Cup, Champions League. Pogba had an absolutely belting season, bagged 34 goals and won all individual awards possible. He scored two goals in our 4-0 demolition of PSG in the Champions League final, but of course they come knocking and he wants to leave.

    I foolishly tried to get £200m out of PSG, they quickly withdrew and Paul was upset that I "priced him out of a move". When we had a chat there was no option to say he's an influential member of the team and I can't lose him, so by the time we'd finished talking he was done with me. He handed in a transfer request, which was rejected in hope that it would all blow over, but then a week later did the same. I had no option but to accept his request and see how much I could get for him.

    So the new season draws near, and I'm limiting him to Under 23 matches only - I refuse to have him play in my team if he wants out. When it comes to selecting my captain and vice captain, a change is needed. Paul is currently vice captain behind Ander Herrera, and as he wants to leave, Matthijs de Ligt is appointed our new vice captain.

    Transfer windows come to an end around Europe and no one has made an offer for Paul. He asks me to remove him from the transfer list - sure, no problem, let's put it all behind us and move forward. Two days later - he's angry that the vice captaincy was taken away from him. Are you joking? You handed in a transfer request you moron, why would I want you to be vice captain of the squad?

    Of course when it came to explaining why I removed the vice captaincy from him, there was no option to say "it was taken from you as you were transfer listed by request at the time" and I've again angered him further by just suggesting that he gets on with it.

  3. Hi everyone,

    Do the tackling instructions have any effect other than the amount of aggression displayed? What I want to know is if staying on feet will essentially ask my defenders to 'stand' against opponents running with the ball, thus combined with 'show onto weaker foot' they shouldn't be beaten as easily as they would if they 'got stuck in' and dived into tackles.

  4. Ozil, firstly thank you for making me enjoy FM again. I have used this tactic for my Man Utd side and we've just clinched the PL title.

    One question though - do you make any specific changes away from home? I find that my away form is often hit and miss, sometimes I can leave the mentality as balanced and we dominate, other times I need to change it to defensive or drop my wing back to a full back (s) and my wide midfielder and winger to support also.

    My away form towards the back end of the season in particular has been pretty poor, we just can't seem to score as many as we were and in the last 3 months (Feb to early May) we have had 7 0-0 draws. I fear that might be due to a tiring squad or poor man management on my part - both of which I have never really been good at controlling - but if you have any tips on facing opposition on their own turf or avoiding the end of season slump in form I would be very appreciative.

  5. Guys, does anyone else find that their centre backs are far too happy to let opposing forwards bring long balls down? I've lost count of the amount of times that a goalie boots the ball up field, my centre backs both drop off and give the forward time to bring the ball down, turn and run at them. Even with the highest defensive line, tighter marking and much more closing down it seems to happen.

    How can I prevent this? How can I make sure my centre backs challenge EVERY long ball?

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