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45 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. Sorry for the lack of advice on this, I looked at your file earlier and compared it to my promotion/relegation file I've created for the Prem and Champ and I couldn't spot anything obvious. One thing I will mention though, and I couldn't resolve on my file, I tried to increase the number (can't remember the amount, 3 or 4 maybe) of promotion/relegations between the Prem and Champand it didn't like it, it would come up with similar issues to what you're having... All the numbers matched up, everything looked fine. I decreased the number to 2 and it worked, no other changes. Maybe for testing, drop the overall numbers of potential pro/rels and see if it works with the same format?
  2. Have you checked if there are enough stadiums which meet hosting criteria in the host nation (Indonesia)? I've found sometimes fixtures get re-arranged and don't follow what you put in the editor because it assigns games to one stadium on the same day causing a clash. One potential thing to look into anyway!
  3. The best way is to use a third party in game editor and apply a regen only filter on staff with 15+ for the attribute 'Resources'. That's what I tend to do, some of the bigger clubs will have regen directors coming in which matches this criteria and aren't tycoons but it will help you narrow it down. To make sure, you can then go to the club's Landmark page and see there also.
  4. Got two tycoon takeovers of Portuguese teams on my FM save as of 2036, Oliveirense and Feirense. I have all European leagues playable on my save so I've seen quite a number of tycoon takeovers, English teams have more in general. I have noticed alot of the tycoons withdraw funding quite quickly though!
  5. This is a good post and something I am interested in any of my long term saves. It's a difficult balance, because in my case, I want realism but also, kind of don't want it haha, because the reality is that the smaller/mid European nations will always struggle to consistently compete but I would love for them to find a way. What I have created in the editor is a 4th European competition, I have some posts in the editor hideaway but essentially, it's a 64 team competition which includes losers of Europa League Conference (ELCon) qualifiers, mainly from round 1 and 2 as less likely to get a club from the big nations. I also include all league champions who didn't qualify for the other European competitions. There is a decent amount of money in this competition and the winner gets into the CL group/league stage (it requires a little manual intervention due to the editor limitations), but this prize is a big deal! Mainly for the rep and money increase. This competition has helped build smaller nations as well as it will boost coefficients for the smaller nations (again, manual intervention), it also increases the league rep partially too. I've seen North Macedonian, Kazakh and Finnish teams win this competition. I've also included prize money for the top leagues in Europe, normally 1/2m for the winners... not a huge amount but it helps. I have also created a few different variants of the CL, 2 groups of 18 for example... and the bottom 2 of each group will get a 2m boost, as normally it's the smaller, poorer clubs. I think the youth draft would be a good thing, no idea how you would implement it though! FFP tightening may help too. As AA (HH?) has said above, the AI won't do well with rule changes in terms of squad HG caps. One thing to note is that you mention about making it fairer across Europe and said about the ownership, some European clubs have become much better due to tycoon takeovers, Celtic and Aris of Greece for example have become CL mainstays and competing to a high level on my save. I think the tycoon takeover ban would work as long as the prize money is consistent across the continent. My final point, and I'm sure you know this already, is to have all the European nations set to 'Playable' and on full detail.
  6. Hi, unfortunately I didn't use the custom seedings/qualifications in the end, I just used the existing seedings/qualifications and used existing competitions (Conference League qualifiers) to populate the teams in my new competition. What is it that you're trying to achieve, are you looking to create a new competition?
  7. Hi guys. Looking to upgrade my CPU, a new save I want to start has a lot of detail so want it to process as quick as poss. I have an AMD Ryzen 7 3700x, 16GB Ram and AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT GPU. The 'best' processor which is compatible with my current motherboard is the AMD Ryzen 9 5950x, which looks quite a lot more powerful than my current CPU. Is this upgrade worth it and will it make a significant difference? I thought I could get more RAM too (32GB) but I understand FM is more CPU intensive... although I'm not really an expert. Thanks!
  8. Hi all, Just an update for anyone in the future who is interested in amending European formats. If you want to edit the CL in FM24, there are two things you have to consider: 1) The new league stage (stage 2 in the competition), there is something hardcoded which I believe is to do with adding the extra 2 clubs in from the top 2 nations. If that league stage is altered or moved, I think this breaks the link to the 2 extra clubs which causes an issue down the line. 2) If you do want to still play around with the format and amend the league stage (stage 2), maybe changing it to a group stage or knockout, you must change it from stage 2 to stage 3, not keep it as stage 2. I think the hardcoded part which adds the two extra nations is a hidden stage which is attached to the league stage but when you break that link, it becomes a 'hidden stage 2' in itself. If you run a simulation in the editor after making changes and look at the CL, you'll see what I mean, there will be a hidden stage. So what I've done for when I want to make my own formats, and this seems to work (early promising signs so fingers crossed!), is keep the 36 team league stage. You create a new stage after the league which has the format you want (group for example). In the league stage, you play one game (you might get away with not playing any games but haven't tested) and then change the qualification rules so all 36 teams qualify for the next stage, job done. I haven't looked at the EL or EConfL, I'm keeping their format as they are but I think you can follow the same rules as above, maybe the EConfL won't be as picky as I don't think you get direct qualifiers into the league stage, only EL qualification dropouts. @themodelcitizen tagging you in this as I think you mentioned before you tried editing CL to no avail, so I'm hoping this is helpful for you!
  9. Hi, Has anyone had any success making changes to the CL in FM24, mainly related to the new 24/25 league format? I'm creating different CL formats for the game to iterate through, which works mainly however I'm finding an issue years into the future (normally at least 8 years) where the CL pre qualifiers don't seem to work correctly. There seems to be two issues, which I think are related but still not sure how: 1) The seedings don't work correctly, sometimes the pre qualifiers will pick random teams from Spain, even though there's no logical reason.... every nation should be included but one or two are randomly excluded. And in some cases, for the lowest ranked nations, it will pick two clubs in the Champions route. I haven't touched the seeding system at all. 2) The first pre qualifying round for some reason is skipped and instead, it goes straight to the second pre qualifying round... with 4 teams? Again, no obvious reason why. Dates are all fine it seems. This causes a knock on effect as 2 teams go through to the 1st round qualifying when it's expecting only 1, so a team gets a bye, and then that affects CL dropouts to EL/EConfL etc... and again, I haven't touched the early qualifying rounds. What ultimately happens is that the Europa League doesn't progress as it can't organise the qualifiers which then stops all European competition eventually. I can probably put a workaround in somehow with the qualifiers to sometimes expect less teams but I just can't seem to think why the above issues happen. And any workaround cannot legislate for complete random teams from top nations being added into the qualifying... I know the game by default will add random teams if it can't find enough but there should be no reason for the competition to not have enough teams! Still think it's really odd that it happens so many years into the future too. Thanks for any help!
  10. Has anyone messed around with World Cup/Continental qualifying before and managed to shorten international breaks during the domestic season? Basically I want to change the WC/Continental tournaments qualifying to be 1 round instead of 2 in the group stages (halve the games in qualifying) so I can 'shorten' the international breaks in September, October, November and March as there will be less games. In England for example, I know there's some rules in the editor to not schedule games during international breaks so I can amend that, however I haven't looked at it yet but I'm fearful that there is something hardcoded and that these international periods remain in place regardless of what you do with international qualifying, as countries may still use it for arranging friendlies and fill the empty space with games but not sure if anyone has looked into this before? Thanks
  11. Hey both, Just an FYI, I've kind of given up getting a fully automated, working situation haha. I've had to take shortcuts in the end... Tried so hard over the last few days but I just can't get a working solution which I'm happy with. So I've managed to get the winners of the competition into the CL group stage, however there is a caveat; the winning team may be involved in another European competition, or even in the CL qualifying. In this case, I will have to manually intervene and make sure the team loses (save scumming probably). Also right now, one of the winners of the CL league qualifiers just doesn't progress into the group stage, but instead of dropping down to the EL, they just exit Europe completely but I am going to look into this to see if I can get something sorted but if I can't, I would rather the winners of the competition go through at the qualifying teams expense! So not perfect but I think the best I can get. Also my file won't ever verify haha so have to force it (qualified teams in CL not matching). Thank you all that have helped coming up with suggestions and stuff. I am still going to be doing some other bits but I think in terms of this 4th tier stuff, finally have a resolution!
  12. Thanks Rusty. Is it then possible to give the team a bye if they were put in the qualification round? So they get a bye for each qualification round until the group stage?
  13. I have seen this on the editor and thought it was to do with this situation, but I don't get how it works. The number of teams in the qualifying rounds are based on the seedings aren't they which have a set of teams, does it just ignore them somehow? Looking at the ACL (sorry I'm not too familiar with the structure), it has this for stage 0 (presuming this is pre quals): But the round structure is this: Wouldn't this cause an issue down the line if you didn't have 14 teams? If you had 13 for example, the playoff would have 2 teams and expect 6 to be added, but there's only 5 teams left to add... So what happens? Only 3 matches happen? And then a bye is given automatically? Also if this team which won the new tournament had qualified for the Europa or Europa Conference via the league, I would have to account for less teams in these tournaments too? If this min and max thing works and the game adjusts accordingly, then great I think... but based on what I know from the editor it isn't too flexible 🤣
  14. Apologies, it does change, the coefficients weren't set up correctly in the competitions so the dynamic part does work, tested it and the qualification places changed! I put random coefficient numbers in so can't get a full gauge but I'm sure it works as expected. By the way, in terms of this project I'm looking at, I've decided to steer away from the custom seedings... too much hassle for me, not sure the positives outweigh the negatives personally. @rusty217 or @themodelcitizen, I've asked before and you gave answers on the subject but just want to see what your views are on this particular issue I'm having. If I do have a 4th tier European tournament and I want the winner to go into the CL group stage the following year, is this possible to do without changing the seedings? I'm thinking you can change the fate actions to qualify them for the competition when they win the final, but I think once the new European season kicks off, this fate action will then get overwritten by the default seedings and lost. Not sure if there are a combination of rules I can put in to get this working... to me I don't think it's possible based on the implications (the club may already be in the CL, there may be in another European competition and if moved, it will have knock on effects). Your thoughts are very valuable as maybe there is a way and there's an angle I've missed! Thanks
  15. Just as a note, I've looked at this alternative qualification rules and filled out the necessary info and I can't seem to get it working... Changed the nation order and seedings for a year period and a period with no end date and nothing changed when I tried in Europe. I did try with a custom qualification/seeding from the beginning so maybe that's why, maybe it works if you are using the built in seedings and then use this. Also I mentioned in another topic but when using custom qualifications and seedings, they don't look to be dynamic on FM24. They stay static which means countries always keep the same qualification and seedings forever... Maybe that's always been the case but thought it's worth mentioning somewhere!
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