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kertiek last won the day on November 20 2023

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671 "The Dude abides"

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  1. bug still there in 24.2 update please see the tempo bar in tactics, the number 3 on red corresponds to standard tempo, u cant set it on match plans, same happens with time wasting, trigger press and other team instructions, u just cant select them.
  2. this is one of the best subs, it has better potential than the starters in his position. am done discussing the subject,i dont need you to agree with me.
  3. this is my u21 squad, please take a look at the match sharpness when its February and we are already past the mid season, its not my fault that people dont notice this things. is this how b and youth teams are going to develop players? with only 11 players getting minutes? i dont think is working as intended.
  4. sure, take a look at the bug report section and count the posts about substitutions and rotations, i dont need to make users agree with me, there is more than enough reports about it.
  5. millions of casuals don't even notice that ai rotations and substitutions are not working as it should and this is more noticeable if u play a long term save, this is annoying especially when this was announced as a big feature this year.
  6. if it is so great, can u explain to me why 17 players from a squad of 30 are with red match sharpness? this is the u21 schedule with this i should expect only 13 players correctly developed with actual gametime from a squad of 30 ? is this working fine?
  7. i really hope with the release today they fix the substitutions bug with B/u21 teams, look at that match fitness, that is the 6th friendly in pre season.
  8. i play the game in comprehensive, am using a fm23 save that is in the year 2042, i started playing in fm24 on December of 2039, am using arsenal. the match engine is far better than previous years, my biggest complains in the past years has been that wide attackers weren't aggressive enough and didn't even attempt to dribble even if most of the team/roles/Instruction were set to make that the focus of all the attacks, i play with a 4-3-3 dm wide, i like to play with teams set as the barca of ronaldinho, with IF breaking defenses mainly, and now the match engine does it, they attack way better than before, you can check my previous posts that i been complaing about dribbling on wide attacking players for the past 2 years. after playing 2 full seasons i can say that one problem with the game is creating a big snow ball on other aspects of it, what is it? AI managers, they don't do decent squad building, squad transfers and squad rotations and all those affect way too many pieces of the game: the transfer market feels bad because AI managers just stockpile players, they buy the best players but never play them, just let them sit and rot in the bench if they take them to the bench because they rarely rotate or make subs. the squad rotations are almost inexistent, this affect matches competitivity because is like playing against handicaped teams, what's the point of having a nice match engine if i have to play against tired players and their AI managers rarely make substitutions? it feels like a player has to get injured out of the game to see an AI substitution, they do it but rarely. player development, due to the lack of rotations and substitutions the regens/young players only the very best players of their respective b/ u21/ u19/ u 18 squads get match minutes and this affect directly their development, if you have 2 or more 3+ potential star players only the starters are going to get developed as they should because the players that go to the bench rarely will get minutes so they will develop way slower in comparison to the starters, they simple don't get green match sharpness, they always stay at red or yellow because AI managers don't rotate. does the league or champions league feels too easy? yes, why? because most of the teams never rotate their squad or if they do it is rare so they end up playing against you with tired squads and if they have to make a forced substitutions due to suspensions or injuries the player coming from the bench will have low match sharpness and wont be in his best condition/form due to lack of minutes. all these aspects of the game can/should change if AI managers make rotations and substitutions, i would like to see what would happen with u21 players development if their managers make far better use of the whole squad and not just 11 players mainly. at least that is my main problem with the beta for now, are other things that need fixing? yes but are not as annoying as the things i wrote above.
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