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Posts posted by Deloma

  1. It's too bad that we are not getting any info but I'm sure they have their reasons. From my experience with SW dev, getting out too early tends to lead to mostly getting reply from people that are upset with your decisions so there is nothing to gain unless you're not particuallry sure about your decision and want to  get a sense of what the users actually think. In SI's case I'd assume they have data on how much most of the features are used and based on that data they can make decisions when to remove something they feel is not working or being utilized well. 



  2. On 12/11/2019 at 00:46, grade said:


    If every football fan decided right now to email their respective clubs, saying: "Either you stop this practice of hurting us how to enjoy our medium, or i will cancel my season ticket or stop giving in any shape or form my money to you!"     You will see the world record of speed of backtracking their decision. If they decide to call our bluff so be it. After few months of a few millions in the red, viewership down would make them wake up. You see in football or any sort of sports who holds the power and the money it is us. Not them. They depend on us fans. No fans, no money.



    This! How many times have you heard people complaining about bad products, evil companies, greedy CEOs etc?? And yet every time they go out and spend their cash on same products and same companies feeding the same greed.  My feeling is that prior to 90s people had principles and would try to live by them no matter what, today it's all about the individual and the situation. Just look at the political situation in Europe, all the traditional parties have been loosing voters, why? Because they are still trying to promote their principal ideologies and people just don't care anymore, it's more what is it for me rather than what is it for the community/country/world. You're absolutely right, if you don't like the way EA or Konami are conducting their business then don't buy anything they produce no matter what. If they build such bad products and conduct bad business eventually the money will force them to change or die. Simple... We just have to live the way we speak and not bulge next time they show the next evolution in the graphics department.  

    A perfect example is NBA2K games which have been criticised for years for being gambling simulators forcing you to buy currency in order to play the game the way you want. Yet, every year people buy their ****.. If they just lost 50% of their sales for one year I'm betting that the year after the virtual currency would be gone. 


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