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Posts posted by philipv

  1. It depends on the player. Some are preset with values between 0-200 for both PA and CA. Others have a negative value set that defines a range that the player's PA and CA can take. For these players their PA and CA will vary slightly between games. If you want to make changes to the PA you need to use an editor for the Database, or a savegame editor if you want to make changes to a game you have already started

  2. Got this from another thread - I think it's all still correct

    Strength: fitness >= 18

    Aerobic: fitness >= 18

    Goalkeeping: coaching Gks >= 18

    Tactics: tactical >= 18

    Defending: defending = 18 & tactical >= 18 or

    Defending: defending = 19 & tactical >= 14 or

    Defending: defending = 20 & tactical >= 10

    Ball Control: technique = 18 & mental >= 18 or

    Ball Control: technique = 19 & mental >= 14 or

    Ball Control: technique = 20 & mental >= 10

    Attacking: attacking = 18 & tactical >= 18 or

    Attacking: attacking = 19 & tactical >= 14 or

    Attacking: attacking = 20 & tactical >= 10

    Shooting: technique = 18 & attacking >= 18 or

    Shooting: technique = 19 & attacking >= 14 or

    Shooting: technique = 20 & attacking >= 10

    Set Pieces: technique = 17 & mental + attacking >= 39 or

    Set Pieces: technique = 18 & mental + attacking >= 36 or (f.ex. mental=(20,18) + attacking=(16,19))

    Set Pieces: technique = 19 & mental + attacking >= 33 or

    Set Pieces: technique = 20 & mental + attacking >= 30

  3. Thats the definintion of free role isn't it, looking for space? Need to have the relevant mental and technichal skills though to work properly.

    Free role is more wide ranging than that. Any player will look for space, but if you give someone a free role it effectively gives them license to ignore your instructions and their position, and do what they think is right.

  4. One other question i like to get an explanation on how the training works in this game? (Ultimate Stupid Question)

    There's not a quick, easy answer to this. Training can be dealt with as simply or in depth as you want. The following links may help, and are taken from one of the stickies at the top of the forum. Did you have any specific questions?


    Tig’s Training Guide


    A user guide to Seasoned Alcoholic's FM2007 Training Schedules


    Pre Season Training


  5. Few questions from a noob!

    1) How do the arrows tie in with Forward Runs? As in, would setting Forward Runs to high require an arrow to work well or at all? I notice that sometimes the arrows disappear, which I'm guessing is due to when I lower certain players' forward runs.

    2) For central defenders, why do they have backward tracking arrows? That may sound stupid, but I would have thought tracking back would be part pf their standard duties anyway.

    3) I'm playing with Arsenal, and want Van Persie as my FCd. His positions show he's not good in the classic AMC position (directly behind the striker), so is putting him in one of the two striker positions with a backward arrow equivalent/the best option?

    4) Finally, could someone point me in the direction of a noobs guide to a set pieces set up? I don't quite know how best to utilise my men for walls, who should be on the post etc.

    Cheers. :)

    1) Arrows are now just a visual indication of whether forward runs are rare/mixed/often. A forward arrow means often, although this is not displayed for strikers. No arrow means mixed, and a back arrow means rare. Changing the arrows directly alters the forward runs setting and vice versa

    2) The back arrow just means they are set to forward runs rarely

    3) Sounds sensible. A lot of people have difficulty getting the FCd position to work well though, so be prepared to experiment with his settings

    4) Don't know this one I'm afraid...

  6. Im still getting slaughtered in this game here some stupid questions that might help me.

    1) I scouted a player I could really use. His salary was 100 K US. But he had a release clause at 23 million. Does that mean that I would need 23 million plus in my transfer budget?

    2) Does giving a "first team sub" player who is not getting any playing time, a game or two in the reserves, hurt his moral or just up his game?

    3) If a great player is struggling with terrible form 5.3, 5.6 etc. Is it a good idea to send him to the reserve team to get his confidence back? Or does that just hurt his confidence because you took him off first team.

    1) The minimum release clause means if you offer that much the club will be forced to let you negotiate with the player (assuming he would want to join you that is...)

    2 & 3) Not sure. Think it depends on the type of player, their personality etc

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