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37 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Nottingham Forest

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  1. I have enough on my plate at the moment managing another debt ridden club, and my saves usually last a long time, but if I get sacked and the Forest job comes up you never know.
  2. Did you not try to reduce the wage bill? manage the finances?
  3. That's the same set-up I use for 4-2-3-1 with the exception of the Vol (I use a BWM) the Vol is a role I have never used. Is he defensively sound? is it just like a B2B in the CM position? My go to midfield pair before the CM's were moved to the DM position was DLP(D) with B2B(S) which I used for years in 4-4-2, 4-2-3-1 and 5-2-1-2 I wonder if a Pairing of DLP(D) and Vol(S) would work as a double pivot in the DM position? As for IW and IF on attack duty, I've only ever used them when my striker is on a support role, a DLF(S) or F9(S) works well with an IF(A) with a supporting winger on the other flank.
  4. Sheffield Wednesday :- Henrik Pedersen and Chris Powell missing from backroom staff.
  5. No Probs mate, if I didn't say it, some other Forest fan would have. Good luck with your save.
  6. Hi Johnny, It is flat, but solid defensively. I think the 4-2-3-1 is top heavy and always works better with 2 sitters, I'm still messing about in Pre Season with it and hardly conceded any goals, usually winning 1 or 2-0. As my team is predicted to go down, most teams are expected to beat me, thus the cautious mentality, occasionally if I do play a weaker team I will change the DM(D) to (S), change the AM(S) to AP(S), go balanced mentality and a bit more possession orientated. Still unsure about the striker role, both are rated as Poachers by my assistant, but I have always used AF(A) as my go to striker role. I have also noticed in this new version that ratings have gone down for Inverted wingers? all my wide men have better ratings for Wingers even if the side they are rated on is the opposite foot.
  7. Apologies if this has been mentioned before. I have been setting up tactic's using the Preset 5-2-1-2 and 5-2-3 formations, I noticed that the central midfielders in these default formations have now been set to Defensive Midfield positions? when I pick my team and check the little tactic analysis screen there are red warning areas all over the midfield? when I move the DM's back to the CM positions all is green and well again. should I ignore the red squares on the analysis screen on the default formations and leave them in the DM position? or move them back to CM? just seems strange that the preset formations show glaring danger areas on the pitch?
  8. Hi all, Long time lurker on this good thread but a first time poster. I have gone back to 4-2-3-1 on the Beta as my squad fits this formation. My question is my lone striker role in a fluid counter system. My set up is as follows :- AF(A) or Poa(A) ? W(S) or IW(S) ? AM(S) W(S) DM(D) BWM(D) FB(S) or WB(S)? CD(D). CD(D) FB(S) G(D) As I have a low block counter system, I was wondering about a Poacher sitting on the shoulder and finding space would be better, rather than an Advanced Forward chasing down and working the channels? I only ever used a poacher with a Target man before with 2 up top. Obviously the left side depends on whether I use a IW or W as I always use Fullbacks with Wingers and Wingbacks with IF or IW, it is a solid system with a good defensive box of 4. My team are relegation candidates so I have gone for a cautious fluid counter system. Any pointers or glaring errors? or advice?
  9. Sheffield Wednesday. Hi Dean, just a question about the board expectations, which are Promotion to the Premier League in the 1st season? Is that a bug? The supporter expectations are to remain in the Championship. Surely even Chansiri wouldn't be that unrealistic? with a League 1 squad, massive debt and some dubious recruitment. Cheers. PS Also I wouldn't have Liam Palmer as a Natural Centre Back, I know he and James covered there a lot last season due to injuries and did ok, but I still think he is a FB/WB by trade.
  10. Hi Mate, I'm no expert but looking at your tactic, I think he would be better on a support role as he would link up better with your IF(A) and the B2B Midfielder. Another thing is that the forward runs of the B2B are probably being restricted by the IW(S) as he is tucking into the space ahead of your runner, if you had a W(S) on that side it might free up some space for the DLF to drop into and B2B to run into, allowing your IF(A) to get in the box. Hope this helps.
  11. Thanks for clarifying that Jack, I like the new system and am gradually getting the hang of it.
  12. Very warming and moving post Alan. I too have played since the 1st Domark game back in the late 80's and the game has been therapy to me so many times too over the years. I am with you mate.
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