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Posts posted by Thurlin

  1. For some reason my 2nd team head coach insist on being 3rd team head coach when I try to extend contracts, the same happens also for other staff members where for some reason when you go to extend their contract they want to move from 2nd team to 3rd team...

    It happens both when I use the GM to renew or I do it myself.

    This causes problems as the board then blocks the new contract as the 3rd team don't need more coaches or whatever job is being extended unless I kick out the current 3rd team staff member.... Not really what I was opting for...

    Ofcourse It may be that you feel that the staff member really prefers to work for the 3rd team than the 2nd....  though I do find it hard to believe as it happens way to often.... the other way around I might have understood.

  2. @fontjacob I had the same issue, it was caused by one of the fields in the contract offer having the value "Unspecified". In my case it was the Unused substitute fee or something like that, when i changed it to an actual value (0 in my case) the button to send the offer became active... It really should highlight the field causing the button to be disabled...

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