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Posts posted by battles_atlas

  1. On 07/09/2024 at 14:47, chris72 said:

    3) Mbappe should move to Real Madrid this should have been updated in the last patch

    4) Also this is happening again where when I play man city Haaland is never in the team even though he's not injured

    he's not even on the bench

    5)  Teams shouldn't be selling their best players so easily teams like Bayern munich make the transfer market more realistic

    and teams like real madrid and man utd should be going after the best players but it doesn't happen as much

    3) Mbappe deal wasn't completed until this summer, I think fairly SI don't do updates for last year's game the next summer when the new edition is just around the corner

    4) On my game Haaland is still first choice at City in 2031

    5) Which 'best players' have Man Utd bought in the last decade??

  2. I don't know what is going on with signing staff from other teams in FM24. I don't remember having this difficulty in the past. Its kinda ridiculous. I'm Liverpool, club is top ten ranked in world, and trying to sign a chief scout. I approach scouts at Napoli and Villa, both interested, but both end up signing new contracts with their clubs. The silly bit is the deals they are taking. The Villa guy I offered £13k a week as chief scout, but instead he re-signs at Villa as simple scout for £1.8k a week...

    I'm not expecting every staff member to abandon their club every time I flutter my eyelids at them, but if guys at lower ranked clubs are consistently rejecting a bigger club, a role promotion, and six times the salary, then something seems off no?

  3. I'm Stuttgart, started with board requiring we avoid relegation, and two seasons later we're qualified for Champs League. So I have credit in the bank. I also have a lot of money in there - the club is sitting on £150m right now. We've improved facilities, hired lots more scouts, the board have even suggested offering more wages for some analysts. Can I get more than six coaches though? Hell no. The board just plain refuse to hire enough coaches to fill the roles available. I even save tested as far as making it a resigning matter, and they just showed me out the door, rather than sanction adding another £3k a week to my £1000000 wage bill. Its patently ridiculous, and I'm not sure what is going on here. Never had something like this before.

  4. My star player wants a new contract way above what I can offer. In the past I've ask the board to take this on as I know they have more headroom on wages. I started the negotiations with the player but couldnt see the option to ask the board, so I went to the Club Vision screen and looked there to no joy, so went back to the contract screen. At some point whilst trying to tweak the contract the ask the board option suddenly appeared - I asked, they agreed to deal with it, but then the game wouldn't let me progress, had the red Must Respond button.

    I reloaded from just before, tried again, but this time I can't get the Ask the Board button to appear at all. Is this just bugged? Anyone know what determines when the option appears?

  5. I'm in 2029 in my game and I've noticed that the transfer policies of Juventus are a bit mad. I presume the club has a policy for buying world class veterans, but it seems a little over the top in its implementation, to the point of absurdity.

    This is the ages of the players (at time of buying) they have signed in last 3 seasons, for fees over £5m: 32, 32, 33, 32, 33, 32, 34, 34, 18, 18, 19, 29, 28, 32, 27, 16

    There were also big end of contract signings for players aged 34, 33, 36, 34, 33.

    It's basically a retirement home for world stars. I'm not saying its completely wrong, but it seems a extreme.

    Edit: just to add, all of the teenage signings were for fees just around £5m, more squad fillers than next generation superstars.


  6. Quick question: When you have a medium skill analyst studying next opposition you get a pre match report that shows what style the opponent plays with. This is the only useful information I ever take from these reports - eg if they're route one I might not play a high line, or back off on pressing. However, when you recruit a really good analyst it seems you get a different report with all these bells and whistles but I can't find the key bit of information I want - what style to they play?

    So am i missing this - is that info still there somewhere?

  7. 1 hour ago, dannyfc said:

    Sigames make the best football simulation hands down. Many developers have tried and haven't come even remotely close, even huge studios like EA. 

    The reason why is its extremely difficult to code. There's no existing precedent to build from, so it's not as if they can simply recruit expertise for an easy fix.

    I have a dream that someone comes along that finds some way of using image recognition and machine learning to build this mindblowing match engine just by feeding the ML algorithm footage of millions of football games, from which it learns football simulation from the ground up. Overnight Football Manager's match engine is shown to be the obsolete programme that it is, SEGA/SI panic and throw money at it, and suddenly we get the match engine we - as purchases of this series for the last three decades - get the simulation we deserve.

    How you could hook up what the ML simulation could do, with a user interface to set tactics and instructions is something way beyond my limited comprehension, but now Google's Deepmind has conquered Starcraft maybe this can be its next challenge.

  8. 2 hours ago, pheelf said:

    The more processing power you have available for a simulation the better it becomes (speaking as someone who used to run simulations on parallel computers). I think you are also underestimating the complexity of the ME, if it was as simple as you are suggesting then why is it taking them months and months after release to fix issues.

    Do you work for SI? If not then how can you then make definitive statements like "SI / SEGA are holding back investment into ME"? 

    I didn't say that the minimum specs have to stay where they are. What I said was that SI have to keep the specifications in line with their customers or risk losing them. It's not only a matter of them being locked out of the game completely, the performance of the game is also important in determining a players enjoyment. If the game processes too slowly that in itself will alienate players.

    If you used to "run simulations" then you should understand that a simulation doesn't automatically become better on more powerful hardware, it just has more coding headroom to become better. Not the same thing. The coding part still has to be done. I've already said why I think the problem is investment (eg the state of audio for one example), you're just choosing to ignore it.

    Anyway, here's a different tack: if the ME was being held back for the sake of the min specs it would be commercial idiocy:
    A) people upgrade their hardware when they need to, within reason. I flat out do not believe that there is a huge number of FM buyers out there who would not fork out the equivalent of two annual FM titles to buy a refurb machine in order to keep playing - because that isn't how any other consumer technology market plays out. The £70 refurb PC I found on ebay in seconds earlier has 4 times the RAM of the min spec, and 3 times the processing power. If it were really true that the ME is being crippled by this min spec then a simple bump to a £70 upgrade would open up incredible new opportunities - 3 times the power! Three times better simulation!!!!
    B) the ME as it is costs a ton of extra sales, because of all those buyers who ignore FM for the crap visuals it has. For proof, just look at Farming Simulator 19. It sold 2m copies, twice what FM20 managed! You think farming is more popular than football? No, but FS19 sure is a pretty game, so despite having the most niche of subjects, it has shifted a mountain of copies.

    The idea that the underlying problem with the ME is the min specs does not add up, which ever way you look at it.

  9. 20 minutes ago, GuitarMan said:

    Again those that are running vista era pcs are not going to be the type to buy a refurbished pc off eBay.

    They are also likely to be the kind to just keep playing the last version they could run (I count myself in this group) rather than buy a new pc to play a new version. 

    This is the first year SI have stopped 32 bit os support, and there have been numerous posts about not being able to play on these systems. 

    I would hazard a guess that raising specs drastically may have a bigger impact than you think. 

    Maybe you're right, but consumer technology upgrades get driven by content requiring it. If there is no 4k content, only a few with money to burn would pay extra to have it in their TV. Same goes for those of us with better PCs - I didn't buy it for the sake of it, I bought it to play specific games. I think those running Vista still are exactly those who buy a refub off Ebay, but only if they have a reason to. Needing to for FM is exactly such a reason. If we're role playing these people, *when* (cos it has to happen one day yeah?) FM specs increase they probably dont even notice the change, buy the game, find it cant run on their x86 waffle iron, complain on this forum :mad:, then go and buy a £70 PC of ebay to run it, a recognise that actually this was totally worth it because the game is much better and it doesn't take half an hour to boot the PC.

    Hell at some point that Vista PC is dying anyway (its already an absolute security nightmare as it hasn't been patched in years). FM spec requirements can't just live forever in their own bubble whilst the rest of the world moves on, unless the Amish are the target market.

    [Also this is still irrelevant to the ME performance for the reasons I gave earlier why do we keep debating this omg omg omg :) ]

  10. Also pheelf, I still say its not relevant, but given you are convinced otherwise - on the idea that the min specs have to stay where they are else a "huge majority" of players will be locked out of playing the game, I think a bit of a reality check is worth while.

    There is a big space between cutting edge gaming rig on the one hand, and the minimum specs the game quotes, which is basically a Windows Vista era PC. On ebay right now you can buy a refurbed quad core with 8gb ram for £70. So I find it hard to believe that there is a *huge* number of players that can afford to shell out £40 for FM20, but can't find £70 for a modernish PC. Skip a year of FM and you have most of the required cash.

  11. 1 hour ago, pheelf said:

    The discussion is not irrelevant because the quality of ME they can produce is inextricably linked to the specification of the computers that are expected to run it. If all the players of the game was lucky enough to have a high end PC like yourself then the quality of the ME would be of a much higher standard but that's not the reality.

    How on Earth do you know this? Yes a simulation running on a 16 core machine has a lot more resources than one on a dual core, but those resources are only useful if the match engine is built with the complexity to need them. To use an example in this thread, the audio on FM2020 remains awful, but the CPU/memory requirements for a reasonable facsimile of stadium sound are absolutely minimal - and indeed the problems with the sound are less about quality and more about buggy implementation. It's the same with player animations - the problem with how goalies look isn't a lack of some power-hungry fancy ray tracing or ambient occlusion or whatever, it's a shortage of animations to show what they are doing in relation to the ball.

    None of this suggests that SI are deliberately holding back the ME to serve low performance systems. It suggests the ME is held back by a lack of investment by SI (actually probably SEGA who set the budgets) who are leaning heavily on a ME that is decades old now.

  12. 1 hour ago, pheelf said:

    So, in your opinion, they should alienate large swathes of their customers to satisfy those with high end computers? If not that, then they should force people without high end computers to play on a match engine which isn't going to get updated?

    No, in my opinion this discussion is irrelevant because it is not what is holding back the ME. *If* it ever becomes an issue, then yes, some balance has to be struck between being playable on a Nokia 3310 so everyone on Earth can join in, and harnessing the technology that has become available in the last ~15 years. It's the same balance that every franchise has to make, because whilst building a Crysis-like game that hardly anyone can run isn't great commercial thinking, neither is allowing your game to become completely obsolete due to self-imposed hardware limitations.

    But, again, this is not the reason the ME is as it is, so it doesn't need discussing in this context.

  13. 12 hours ago, MatthewS17 said:

    I'm getting rather tired of seeing these types of posts. Not because it affects me, but because it is so entitled, self revolving and ignorant. That's not an insult. It's how it comes across. 

    First of all, thousands of people play this game around the world. Not everyone works with pounds and not everyone is living in a country with a healthy economy and decent paying job. You have no idea how expensive this is in some countries. 

    For example, laptops in my country are phenomally expensive and a 4GB laptop is usually equal to the average monthly salary. 

    That's if you're buying one with just a simple integrated graphics card. Prices go up by 50% of that total price for one with 8GB of RAM. 

    Not everybody is in the same situation as you and it is insensitive and elitist of someone to think so. 

    So, some consideration is needed here. 

    To me this discussion is a red herring. What is the motivation for the argument here - that FM is being held back by designing for low performance computers? That seems to me a convenient excuse for FM being held back by lack of investment. I'd love to imagine that SI would bring out this mind blowing engine upgrade but for the fact that you'd need 8gb ram and an 6 core processor, but the fact that every year the existing ME isn't patched to be working as intended until halfway through the year tells me otherwise. I don't think computer specs have anything much to do with it. Besides if that really were the case, the simple solution is to have a Legacy setting which basically gives you a *fully functioning* version of the existing engine which is frozen from that point on, whilst the investment goes into the new engine for the increasing number of machines that can run it.

  14. The purpose of the mechanic is to give you a way of getting players to work harder in training, and from what I've seen it does that - over time I get fewer bad training reports and more good ones when I use this feature. That it maxes out on individual players is to stop it being used to just constantly buff their morale. This all makes sense to me, but yes I agree the writing could be better.

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