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45 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    the Netherlands


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  1. Forbs is set for sure... in my game he has the name Forbs during matches...... And has been already in the original data (which the save was started on)......
  2. Any update on this? Sure its minor i guess, but still it being an issue at all languages except uk english (with database also set to that).... Previous comment didnt apply... So what "more info" is then needed?
  3. Just did. Changing both to US English the financial rules for Dutch leagues (Eredivisie and KKD) still arnt viewable as it was previously (with UK English set, which i use by default). Same in Dutch language set for both. No point in making new screenshots, they would be the exact same. So yea nothing different with both Game and Data languages set to the same language, the issue still persists (except of course with UK English aka "English" set).
  4. *Financial Rules information of course, not "Finances". edit: After further testing, the only language showing the Financial Rules information is UK English........ So yea i'd say its quite a big issue.... edit2: After checking it using the Danish league (that also has some financial rules set i saw), the issue doesnt appear there. So it possibly is Dutch leagues only, but could apply to other leagues as well.
  5. After seeing it on Zealand's stream (he plays on English US language which also has the issue), the Dutch leagues' Minimum EU Wage rules didnt show up in the Rules page... So after some digging, it looks like almost if not all languages do not show this info at all..... Languages i checked (from US English to Dutch to German, etc.), while some guy in chat also checked French, Spanish, etc. All didnt show the info.... Which is kinda crucial for managing in the Dutch league... Don't think a savegame is required, but uploaded my Ajax savegame regardless.... To replicate: Change to language other then UK English....... (So US English also doesnt have it...) Pretty big bug / issue i'd guess where a rule isnt possible to be seen.... Even in the league's own language..... Of the added screenshots the only one showing the Wage rules is the UK English one.... Others (US English, German, Dutch) do not.....
  6. Negative Transfer Budget is a new thing that can happen in the game, dno if this is a bug.
  7. 1860 Munich, so yea has a B-team that is a affiliated club . That "press conference for new signings" thingy dissapeared at same time as the training delegations etc. So guess its the same issue.
  8. Ive noticed this issue as well, but noticed it in a different way. Suddenly i had to do new signing press conferences, which i had delegated.... I checked at the responsibilities, and that option had dissapeared, and the training stuff (like this thread) had as well. Interestingly they both re-appeared when i saved and loaded the save.... The new signing press conference was back (now at the bottom of the delgation list, instead of above), and was defaulted to me instead of delegated. Since it seems to be related (the training stuff reappeared too at reloading), thought i'd mention it, maybe not needed to make a thread about it? Or should i still. The saves i can provide probably arnt useful since when u reload them its "fixed".
  9. Well without license the league wouldnt be in the game tho, so its def better even in a not-ideal form.
  10. I mean... The AI does make subs in my game... Why would that mean i havnt played the game...... Dumb conclusion. This whole "The AI doesnt make subs and everyone who says otherwise lies and hasnt played the game" attitude is... quite something...
  11. The licensing dictates a certain cutoff date for squads though, so thats how it is....... Its not hard to understand. Sure its not ideal, but better this then to have no license whatsoever.
  12. The reason is that Apple forks over money to have it be Apple Arcade exclusive. Its that simple.
  13. I did a test. Made 20 gameworlds and simulated. Every single one of them he became English youth international, then full international. Thats just rediculous and should not happen at all. This is WITH the NL team fix, so he could have been called up.... He really needs to have NL declared for nation. Beside him being born in England, why would he ever instantly choose England as the nation to play for... He's Dutch..... @Jeroen Thijssen seriously think bout giving him NL declared, its already too late for main release, he'll be "English" for almost 100% of players, which is imo unacceptable. No idea why (England reputation higher????)
  14. Tbh this kind of youth behaviour is kinda quite unique in the world, and therefore insanely hard and difficult to properly code into the game. So automaticly assuming it should be perfectly implemented is a tad ambitious.
  15. This is obviously not in the game data yet i asssume since this only got known last week.
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