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Posts posted by tool-nes

  1. Did anyone actually gotten newgan faces with newgan manager to work on fm24?

    In the manager, it seems to work when running the report, but in-game it does not work.

    In preferences, I have unticked cache, and ticked reload skin. I cannot see any other settings that I have forgotten?

    I am using the SAS skin, could that be the issue?

  2. On 22/12/2020 at 18:12, michaeltmurrayuk said:

    How To Adjust The Size Of The Panels

    Thanks to the split container code you can adjust the width and height of most of the panels in-game, however for a couple of items you may need to edit the xml files.

    How to Increase the Width of the Touchline Tablet

    Whilst the width of the Tablet can be adjusted in-game you may find at certain resolutions you aren't able to maximise the panels width this is due to the fact that the game will only read three default values so I wasn't able to maximise the width for all resolutions, thankfully modifying the width is fairly simple.

    The file you need to edit is the match in between highlights panel xml file found in the panels\match folder for the mod.

    In that file scroll down to near the bottom where you'll see code that looks like this:

    <flags id="alignment" value="horizontal" />
    <integer id="min_value" value="
    1360" />
    <integer id="max_value" value="1920" />
    <symbol id="set_property" value="width" />
    <integer id="true_value" value="
    1010" />
    <integer id="false_value" value="
    1010" />

    The min_value and max_value's tell the game if your screen width is within these two values to set the max. width of the tablet to the values contained on the true_valve/false_value lines (not sure what the different between true/false is for this panel so best to set both values to the same value).

    So the above example tells the game if your screen width is between 1360 and 1920 pixels the max. width you can set the tablet to is 1010 pixels.

    Around this code you'll notice two similar sets of code, above it is the code to set the tablet width when your resolution is below 1360 pixels and below it is the code to set the width when your resolution 1920 or above.

    To adjust the width the safest thing to do is edit the values in the middle section - set the min_value ~10 pixels below your resolution, then on the lines above change the max_value to match the min_value you just set.

    So for example if your resolution is 1680 pixels wide then for the midle section you'd set min_value of 1670 and in the top section you'd change the max_value to 1670 (so it runs from 0 to 1670).

    Now we need to set the max. width of the tablet so what you need to do is take your screen width and deduct 350 from it - as we need to remove the width of the left side Notable Events Panel otherwise that panel won't show.

    When you have calculate your max. width enter this value as the true/false value for the middle section of code, so if your resolution was 1680 then your max. width would be 1330.

    So the above code should now look something like this:

    <flags id="alignment" value="horizontal" />
    <integer id="min_value" value="
    1670" />
    <integer id="max_value" value="1920" />
    <symbol id="set_property" value="width" />
    <integer id="true_value" value="
    1330" />
    <integer id="false_value" value="
    1330" />

    Now there is one last step you need to do, if you scroll to the top of the file you'll notice these three lines;

    <integer id="TbWs" value="650"/>    <!-- 0 - 1360 -->
    <integer id="TbWm" value="
    1010"/>    <!-- 1360 - 1920 -->
    <integer id="TbWl" value="1560"/>    <!-- 1920 up -->

    These are the default widths of the Tablet, and you'll notice there are three values one that corresponds to each section of the previous code we looked at, in this case the one we are interested in is the middle one (TbWm) now change this value to match the true/false value we used before (in this case we'd want to change it to read 1330).

    How To Edit the Width of the Notable Events Panel

    The width of the Notable Events Panel (which is the panel that appears under the score on the left for the IBH panel) is also controlled by the match in between highlights panel xml file found in the panels\match folder for the mod.

    To adjust the width first locate this section of code near the top of the file:

    <!-- Notable Events, Match stats -->
    <container width="

    And just adjust that value to change the width of the panel.

    However once you have done that you'll also need to adjust the max and default width for the Touchline Tablet, to do that see the above instructions however in this case you need to deduct the extra width you have added to the notable events panel, so on the default lines at the top deduct the extra value you added from those three values and at the bottom of the file deduct that amount from the true/false values in all three sections (so if you increased the width by 100 deduct 100 from each of the values).

    How To Adjust the Width of the Half-Time Review Panels

    This screen is controlled by the match mid match review panel xml file found in the panels\match folder for the mod.

    In that file locate this line near the top (line #15);

    <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="-1,-1,-1" gap="1" offset="2"/>

    Those three numbers in the layout bit control the width of the three panels, the first number is for the Left Panel (Split Containers), the second number is for the Middle Panel (Review) and the last number is for the Right Panel (Advice).

    First if you don't understand how the layout code works negative numbers tell the game to split the space by a ratio - so by default they are all set to -1 which tells them all to use the same space (1/3 screen each) and if you set the first value to -2 then the Left Panel would take up half the space (2/4) and the other two panels would take a quarter each (1/4).

    In addition you can also use a whole number and this will set the width in pixels, so if you changed the first number to 350 then the Left Panel would have a fixed width of 350 pixels and the other two panels would take up half of the remaining space each. If you changed the values to read "350,-2,-1" then the Left Panel would take up 350 pixels, the Middle panel would take up 2/3's of the remaining space and the Right Panel would take up 1/3.

    If you want to hide a panel then you can set the value for that part to 1 and that will in practice hide the panel.

    I have been experimenting with this for a while now, and I can never get this right. I have a Surface Laptop 3, with a display with resolution 2556x1504 resolution. I am using the defautl skin, but plan to change as soon I get this right. Copy/paste in to correct folder if I am not mistaken.

    This is now my highlights panel file:

        <integer id="TbWs" value="650"/>    <!-- 0 - 1360 -->
        <integer id="TbWm" value="2000"/>    <!-- 1360 - 1920 -->
        <integer id="TbWl" value="1560"/>    <!-- 1920 up -->

                <attachment class="test_screen_size_attachment" skip_if_false="true">
                    <list id="properties">
                            <flags id="alignment" value="horizontal" />
                            <integer id="min_value" value="0" />
                            <integer id="max_value" value="2550" />
                            <symbol id="set_property" value="width" />
                            <integer id="true_value" value="650" />
                            <integer id="false_value" value="650" />
                            <flags id="alignment" value="horizontal" />
                            <integer id="min_value" value="2550" />
                            <integer id="max_value" value="3000" />
                            <symbol id="set_property" value="width" />
                            <integer id="true_value" value="2000" />
                            <integer id="false_value" value="2000" />
                            <flags id="alignment" value="horizontal" />
                            <integer id="min_value" value="3000" />
                            <integer id="max_value" value="10000" />
                            <symbol id="set_property" value="width" />
                            <integer id="true_value" value="1560" />
                            <integer id="false_value" value="1560" />


    What am I doing wrong? I want the panel to extend all the way over to nep panel.I cannot drag the panel more than this to the left. 




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