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Everything posted by CurnRaisin

  1. Trying to get wages to be slightly lower in my custom league. Tried to turn "Weekly wage values" all the way down and it didn't make a noticeable difference. Is it just a matter of the teams have the money they will use the wages even if the players are not worth it.
  2. Is there a quick and easy way to promote transfer activity? Particularly in lower leagues. Been waiting on FM24 to drop to start a long term save in my own database, currently testing out the files (as I made them in FM23) by holidaying on FM24 but I noticed that even though most teams have plenty of money/transfer budgets they rarely spend close to what they have. Particularly in my First Division (2nd tier) teams have commonly £10-20Mil in their transfer budgets but seem to spend on average £1mil or less.
  3. OK was thinking that, so now the question is do I go ahead and start my save as I planned then transfer it over to 24 with the new feature or keep working, polish up my database some more and transfer over the editor data, then start my game in 24? Both have pro's and cons but thinking now with it being so close to 24's release that the latter is the safer option. Reusing editor files has been possible for years now and the save transfer is a new feature on its own never mind trying to transfer over one using a custom database.
  4. Are we expecting FM23 editor data work on FM 24, like in previous seasons? I'm basically finished editing my league/nation database and was planning on starting soonish then transferring the save but thinking now FM24 should be out in about a month, I could probably add or tidy up a few more things that will bring me to 24 release date and then aim to start fresh in 24 rather than trying for the save game transfer.
  5. Trying to apply the finishing touches to my custom nation/league, currently working on balancing the money side of things. Is there any way to give a bump to sponsorship amounts that are created/generated while playing? Or does anyone know how these are calculated? I know I can manually set them in the editor, but this is quite limited I would rather it be more dynamic. I know I can set a sponsorship to a set amount have it set to renew and have a fixed amount, but this is very ridged. For example if I set the amounts to renew and be fixed, and have the amount a team gets be dependant on their current division level but then then a team gets a few back to back promotions/relegations they are now going to be either at a massive advantage/disadvantage depending on where they started and where they ended up.
  6. Good to know, I'm pretty sure I never changed much of the database in the Four Nations one, but better knowing how it loads it to be safe.
  7. Thanks for your help , been busy so haven't got to sit down to make changes then test then adjust and retest so basically just been doing 1-2 changes then leaving game on holiday over night and getting a quick look at it the following day. Seems that I'm nearly there just a few odd teams being included. EG It ignores the top 4/5 spots in the league as they are in other European comps, then rather than take the next 4 as expected it takes, 2 or 3 then skips a team then takes more to make it up to 4. Been looking to see any pattern to why teams are skipped but nothing obvious is jumping out at me. I'm wondering if some of the leagues are running different schedules or are having a 2nd stage or play-offs that cause them not to end in time so its pulling teams from the previous seasons places. Pretty happy with how it is though even if it isn't perfect. I'll be managing a team that is getting CL football so I won't really notice an odd occurrence like this in a competition I'm not actively part of. Do you happen to know when the pre-season competition expectations are generated? Assuming it is tied to each league/nation structure your part of. Slightly off topic question too, I have two files, my Four Nations one and then my custom league one. When I start a new game with both active, which one takes priority for database changes?
  8. No harm uploading it I guess, but be warned it is probably a mess, before this month it's been years since I spent any notable time in the editor. Also I tend to work with trial and error and stumble upon work-around solutions that barely work, and while I always have the best intentions of going back and tidying things up, it rarely happens. My long term save in FM 19 was actually meant to be a 1-2 seasons beta test of sorts for my edited files and I ended up just rolling with it and played it on and off for the last few years. I think I tried to change the start date to be October which I assumed was well after the other cups setup, but looking again I'm certain I didn't change the correct option, also noticed a few strange looking values I probably need to fix/change. While I'd love there to be a proper instructions from SI, at least they provide the editor at all. With the way games/companies are in the modern day I could see plenty of Devs/publishers cutting something like the editor, or trying to monetize it a lot more than just the ingame editor we have. 4nat2.fmf
  9. Yeah so far I've seem to have fixed the reputation issue, mind you the "fix" I implemented isn't quite working as intended, but it did solve the reputation problem, which in turn seems to have solved or mostly solved the transfer problem and at least alleviated the wages problem. I'm going to go back and tweak the wages/transfer values a bit to see if I can fine tune them a bit better. But right now since the reputation isn't plummeting the ability of players getting the inflated wages are a lot better so its not as bad of an issue.
  10. Thanks for the help, and yeah a lot of it does make sense after you figure out what option you have to pick but the problem is there is no help or indication pointing to where/what option/setting you want to change, and usually there are a handful of places you can put in the same settings. Anyway after completely breaking it to the point it was no getting though the editor tests I think I might be on to something. I did holiday one season and while it did ignore some teams correctly it definitely grabbed one that it shouldn't have. Need to holiday till 2050+ again now see if the leagues no longer plummet, and if it is successfully grabbing the correct teams from each nation/league. Can I specify the teams it ignores are only ones qualified to the group stages of the CL/EL? I had a quick look and while there does seem to be some options that could be what I want I can't seem to get working. I suppose with the new Format change happening in a few years even if I get this working, it will just break at that point. EDIT: Definitely not working as intended, some teams are ignored correctly not being added in, while others are still in both the Four Nations and other Continental comps. It also doesn't seem to move down correctly once a team is ignored, rather than being the 4 highest placed teams not in other continental comps a few times I noticed its a much lower placed team. Going to leave it on holiday for now to see if the reputations/rankings are still affected.
  11. Thanks for the replay. Been busy the last few days so had no time to sit for a while and try things out. I want to check is the top teams performances in the other continental cups, and then check their cosponsoring coefficients, maybe playing in the Four Nations is invalidating their CL/EL scores in some way, Thanks for this I had a poke around. Where exactly do you put this? Under the following path I have two places that if could enter them options Advance Rules --->Show Rules for "The Four Nations"--->List--->The Four Nations--->Teams. Qualified Teams---->Qualified teams Team Pool. If I could get this to work then that might fix my other issue, as the top teams will only be in their CL/EL and not the four nations. Meaning any interaction wouldn't happen.
  12. Bit of info first, I'm making a custom Irish league system, alongside other changes there is a substantial bump in reputation of leagues/clubs and lots of extra money added in, this is spread between prize money, TV money, and reoccurring sponsorships/grants to every team in my league pyramid (both renew income and fix values ticked). At game start Ireland's top league reputation sits about 10th in the rankings, so similar to the Scottish premiership. I also have another editor file to use alongside it that adds in a additional continental competition between Ireland, N.Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, called The Four Nations. My initial idea with this was for it to be mini continental competition that these smaller teams could actually partake in and win opposed to being knocked out early in the Champions/Europa League, I had hoped to get it working in a way that if a team was in another continental competition they wouldn't be eligible to qualify, so for example Celtic where in the Champion League, they would be ineligible and their place moved down to the next team and so on, until only teams not in other continental were taking part. I could never get this working so settled for it just working as is and running along side everything else, so teams like Celtic, might be in both CL groups and Four Nation groups. My problems is that once I have the Four Nations active and running, it causes the league reputations to plummet down, which then causes knock on effects on transfers, wages and other things. For example in 3-4 tests where I holidayed past 2050, with the Four Nations turned on the top Irish and Scottish leagues start around 10th and by 2050 they are way down below 80th or 90th in the rankings. Last night I loaded all the same editor files bar the Four Nations, and not only did the Irish premier league not drop but it actually climbed up to 7th place. I'm not sure if there is something wrong with how I have things set up or if its just down to the fact that the AI can't balance their squads and with the extra 6 to 11 games involved being in the Four Nations just caused too much fatigue/injury which affected their champions/Europa league performances so much it caused a knock on effect of the league reputations plummeting. The drop seems much too dramatic for this but I guess it could be. Additionally I had this same league system with the Four nations in place for a long term save in FM 19 and I never noticed this problem happening, in that save I remade the Irish league system but left the reputation as is and as I played and had success I managed to pull the Irish league up to 10th position, so this FM23 save is a spiritual successor to that game.
  13. I believe you can use editor files from a previous version, not sure how advisable it is though. I've loaded up my FM19 files and while they seem to be working I'm still working some things out.
  14. Few quick questions about a custom database I'm finishing off. Bit of info first, it is a custom Irish league system, alongside other changes there is a substantial bump in reputation of leagues/clubs and lots of extra money added in, this is spread between prize money, TV money, and reoccurring sponsorships/grants to every team in my league pyramid (both renew income and fix values ticked). My nations top league reputation sits it about 10th in the rankings, so similar to the Scottish premiership. I also have another editor file to use alongside it that adds in a continental competition between Ireland, N.Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, The Four Nations. I've loaded it up and simmed many years into the future multiple times and I've noticed a few concerning observations, First thing I noticed is that my leagues reputation always seems to plummet, latest one had it drop from 10th to 95th in the rankings. (For what ever reason in my latest test the Scottish leagues also did, not sure if this happened in other tests) I'm currently testing without the additional editor file for my Four Nations competition as that is the only thing related to Scotland I changed. I loaded a game up without my league system and, this never happened, if fact over 10 years it the Irish leagues got a slight bump in reputation. While teams have plenty of money and even 2nd and 3rd tier teams can have large transfer budgets they rarely spend it. This gets progressively worse as the years go by, wages also creep up and up so even very small teams end up having their terrible players on thousands a week. Is there any way to bump the transfer frequency so teams spend more?
  15. Alas I do not have the ingame editor to test this myself. Planing to start playing on the game pass version see if I like FM23 or not, if I do I'd then be buying it on steam probably so don't want to go spending money on the ingame editor for a version I'll not be using that long. Well there goes my theory, I've created a pile of players for my save, Talking close to 100 at this stage but never noticed anything drastic like this. Sure a few ones can be out by 1-2 points but never a jump like you seen. In positions what is the role used to fill in attributes set too? Could it be his age? Try making them older 17/18 and see if the same thing happens.
  16. Hoping someone has an answer for me here. When using a PA range what happens if a player has a CA set to be above the minimum of that PA range? For example if I have a player with CA set to say 145 then PA set to -8(130-160), does that essentially mean his range will be 145-160 or can his PA still get set to below 145 thus forcing his CA then to be lowered to match? Another quick one, I have a player showing up in game as no work permit, but in the editor under Player Data--General I have the "has work permit" ticked. Am I missing something here? Or is there a way for me to get players to have work permits. I can't get non-Eu players to have workpermits only work around I have right now is adding a dual nationality of a EU nation. Last one, Any way to make sure sponsorships/other income settings continue on at a similar level? Doing a custom league system and want to give all teams in my pyramid a set income I can guarantee will not drop off. I have both "renew income" and "fixed value" ticked, but after simming on holidays for a number of years they all seem to drop off.
  17. Just launch them both? Works fine for me in windows. I have FM19, FM23 and the editor for both all open at once.
  18. Few quick ones I'm hoping to get answered. When using a PA range what happens if a player has a CA set to be above the minimum of that PA range? For example if I have a player with CA set to say 145 then PA set to -8(130-160), does that essentially mean his range will be 145-160 or can his PA still get set to below 145 thus forcing his CA then to be lowered to match? Another quick one, I have a player showing up in game as no work permit, but in the editor under Player Data--General I have the "has work permit" ticked. Am I missing something here? Or is there a way for me to get players to have work permits. I can't get non-Eu players to have workpermits only work around I have right now is adding a dual nationality of a EU nation. Last one, Any way to make sure sponsorships/other income settings continue on at a similar level? Doing a custom league system and want to give all teams in my pyramid a set income I can guarantee will not drop off. I have both "renew income" and "fixed value" ticked, but after simming on holidays for a number of years they all seem to drop off.
  19. I have a player showing up in game as no work permit, but in the editor under Player Data--General I have the "has work permit" ticked. Am I missing something here?
  20. How many players are you trying to edit at one time? If its a lot try scaling it back, and do it in batches. Been a while but I did a big editor file back in 19 I remember having to do that for bulk editing teams.
  21. When using a PA range what happens if a player has a CA set to be above the minimum of the PA range? For example if I have a player with CA set to say 145 then PA set to -8(130-160), does that essentially mean his range will be 145-160 or can his PA still get set to below 145 thus forcing his CA then to be lowered to match? Also how do the "Peak current/potential ability" work? Edit: Another quick one, I have a player showing up in game as no work permit, but in the editor under Player Data--General I have the "has work permit" ticked. Am I missing something here? Last one, Any way to make sure sponsorships/other income settings continue on at a similar level? Doing a custom league system and want to give all teams in my pyramid a set income I can guarantee,
  22. When using a PA range what happens if a player has a CA set to be above the minimum of the PA range? For example if I have a player with CA set to say 145 then PA set to -8(130-160), does that essentially mean his range will be 145-160 or can his PA still get set to below 145 thus forcing his CA then to be lowered to match?
  23. This might be an idea, I'll have a play around and see, but Ideally I would still like young players to be sold, just for a reasonable value.
  24. I did and I did up them a bit but since it is based on reputation I wasn't sure if that is what I needed to change. What I do want is for teams to stop selling their best under 23 players for pittances to teams in larger nations. While I don't want players 23+ who are maybe at their peak and while maybe decent for my league are not cut out for the top divisions not being sold/transferred or being sold for much too high within the nation. For example, player A is 17 getting first team football and has a reputation of 120, I would like to be sold for a much higher price than say player B who is 27 at their peak CA and has a rep of 120. I will play about with it and sim for some years on holiday and compare but I don't really want to cripple the within nation transfers between teams as they will have less money than bigger continental teams, but I also don't want to see all the best prospects being sold off out of the nation for so cheap. I also don't particularly want the value on the players matching something like the premier league. I only really want to affect the out of nation transfers of younger player.
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