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Posts posted by CaptainSa

  1. 12 hours ago, JimmysTheBestCop said:

    How could the match engine be balanced when several 3rd party testing communities have confirmed year after year acceleration and pace are most impactful to match engine for every version. And the 3rd best attribute is miles behind. 

    Those experiments tell you nothing except that if you put in unrealistic attributes you get unrealistic results.

  2. 1 hour ago, Adelrahn said:

    No explanation in the world can justify that.

    "It was this or making FMM wouldn't happen as it would not be financially viable".

    1 hour ago, Adelrahn said:

    I dont even want to hear the reasons or read a FAQ because it seems the decision is irreversible but it would be interesting how they explain to us why he should pay 60$ per year for a mobile game.

    $60 is relatively cheap for the most popular mobile games given how almost all of them are geared towards microtransactions.

  3. "Which east African is Belgian international Kevin De Bruyne also eligible for?" was a trivia question in a pub quiz. The answer is Burundi, btw, due to his Burundian mother. It started a conversation between friends about what the world of football would look like if everyone played for the international team they were eligible for that was ranked the lowest. That conversation has ultimately culminated in this database, where just that has been done (with a few caveats):

    • Rankings used are from 13/09/2022
    • Non-FIFA member teams are unaffected and have not lost or added any players. In the instance where a player has multiple second nationalities that include both FIFA and non-FIFA countries, only the lowest ranked FIFA member is counted.
    • Kevin De Bruyne doesn't have Burundian second nationality in the game data, but is moved to Burundi anyway because he inspired the database.

    As well as benefiting a number of countries throughout the rankings, the top 50 nations are much changed:



    Some interesting nations to play as due to their losses or gains include England, Ireland, Suriname, Haiti, Canada, DR Congo, Ghana and Guinea-Bissau, amongst others. Two additional files are included, one with the database and where all nations have a youth rating of 135 and one with the database and where all rankings points are cleared. 

    Alternate Nation Database No Ranking Points.fmf Alternate Nation Database YR 135.fmf Alternate Nation Database.fmf

  4. 7 minutes ago, JordanMillward_1 said:

    Whether you can offer part-time contracts is often down to the settings put in place by the person who made the database (since you're obviously using an edited database, given only down to 3. Liga is available in-game). You'd have to query that with the person who made the database.

    On the other hand though, only being able to offer non-contracts in the German 6th tier doesn't sound that weird to me, that's basically non-league football level if it was transferred over to the English leagues.

    Hell being semi-pro is already a step away from reality - as far as I'm aware, all clubs in the German 6th tier are amateur level only.

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