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Everything posted by Rodrigogc

  1. Long distribution is disgraceful in FM, not to mention players not disputing the ball when it reaches the ground. Usually when the GK kick the ball you already know what's gonna happen in the end as the ball is flying over the pitch. I use short distribution as well, usually to Central Defenders, but I leave instructions like "Dribble more" out so that I don't see aberrations like a Central defender running all over the pitch without pressure.
  2. The way I see football, watching a Defender running the whole pitch with the ball like this without any pressure is a complete aberration. But this is something that has been going on for years. I remember in FM17 I saw Vlasic running with the ball from left wing to right wing, literally crossing the pitch wide while the opponents only watched him without any pressing. It is bizarre how weak FM's IA is. And people still judge those who think the game is easy.
  3. Through balls is just the high end of low of the issue, up to it there is lacking of final third central play creativity, especially because the game seems to rush the play when the ball reaches the opponent's box, instead of players passing the ball waiting for the right opportunity to give that final pass.
  4. Is Scouting broken yet ? I have stopped playing so I don't know. What was this patch for then ? How has it justified the waiting ?
  5. For those asking for constructive posts, this one is the best I've seen in this thread and basically sums up everything that is/has been wrong with the ME and can be improved. But I doubt a post like that will be taken into consideration because there is no .pkms, screenshots, proofs, etc etc But anyone who watches football and would like better representation of the sport in the ME can clearly see what akkm says here. And it won't get better. RDF post above and this one says it all about what's missing in the ME and what could be better, and repeating it is worthless because SI probably is fine with wide players running down the pitch qnd dembeles and Adama traores owning top tier leagues. If you want your Isco to play better or your false 9 role to work, sorry that will not happen. The main issue is that what is wrong with the ME can't be called a bug, it's just perception from the eyes of those who watch football and see the massive gap between what goes on in a real match and FM match engine. People dissatisfied with the ME will not bug report that final third central play does not happen, simply because it is not a bug, therefore this will not change. Thats basically the main frustration with the ME. I watch a lot of matches in full detail, to get the real manager experience, and seeing players making the same forced mistakes every version hurt my eyes. I honestly don't see much difference between an intelligent player and a dumb one on the pitch anymore, since physicals have taken over the ME for good.
  6. The sad thing to me is that changes to ME is all I've been waiting for and cared about the most. I haven't played for 2 months and seeing the ME in the same state even with the new update kills my willingness to play this version. I think I could even endure the scouting issues and the bad interactions, but all I play FM for is the ME - and in its current state I find frustrating. I'm happy for those who actually like the ME, because if they fixed the scouting and other minor issues, the game will be very playable for them. To me, I'm done. From FM20 to FM22 I haven't bought any version, bought FM23 and adored it, didn't like FM24 demo but fell for the promises and now I'll not be one buying FM25, unless there are massive changes.
  7. Played a couple of matches here and ME feels exactly the same. Alright lads, time to decide what to do next.
  8. I don't think SI should communicate better, that actually doesn't matter much. What they have to do is deliver what they promise, so they won't have to say anything afterwards.
  9. I'm sure the Positional play and new set piece creator are the main causes of the whole imbalance in this ME. Maybe SI didn't see it coming, and I suppose they won't have time to fix all the issues. I'm wary of this new patch, it might be that the game will get better but I suppose it will not fix all the issues that I think should be fixed. To be honest I'm just waiting but already preparing to go back to FM23 that was the version I enjoyed the most. I haven't gone back yet just because I really liked Positional play and the new set piece creator.
  10. Same here. I had a St Paulli save in FM23 that I was willing to keep playing in FM24 but got completely disappointed once I won Bayern without them even creating good scoring chances. I'm very happy with the whole positional play thing though, I think it is interesting but the state of the game now makes it uncalled for.
  11. Just the fact that it is easy to manage Real Madrid is already something to raise concern. People say "If you want a hard game, play LLM", but why managing big clubs should be easy ? In my view it is harder to stay at the top than to get to the top. Tuchel managed Mainz just like Klopp and got to the top, but now look how hard he found managing Bayern. Xavi won La Liga and got sacked from Barcelona already. It's like in the business world. Managing a large corporation is easier than managing a small business ? I don't think so. Every level has its own challenges, unfortunately in FM if you want challenge you have to pick bad teams, which I don't like because I like managing good players who will execute what I expect from them.
  12. Seeing the variety of replies I wonder if there was ever a hard FM at all.
  13. Pacey strikers have always been OP in FM, let's be honest. A player like Patson Daka in FM is like the new gerd muller, in real life he scored 4 goals in Premier League playing for Leicester.
  14. Don't worry, it's not complete but it is a new feature and they promise it will get better for FM25. Meanwhile, right now new features are being developed for FM25 so SI hopes you forget about how positional play must be improved because they are already working on something new. Women's football is coming.
  15. Yes, Football is too subjective so I think FM should be even more moddable. I've gotten into skin modification in the last year and modifying my skin gives me a lot of pleasure, but it requires patience and some knowledge that a lot of people are not willing to learn, so they download skins made by other people. But FM is almost a point and click game, there should be a way to edit the information on the screen you want to see and hide the ones you don't care about without having to go deep into skin modification. There should be values you could alter as well to make the AI stronger or something like that. I don't if that is possible, but in my opinion FM has reached almost a global community of players, with players ranging from 15 years old to people in their 60s, and that are so many ways to play the game that it is almost impossible to cater for everyone, hence I feel it would benefit even SI if they made the game even more moddable, because people would have the option to alter what they dislike without having to complain in this forum.
  16. I haven't played this FM20 version and was unaware of this Korean thing. Can you elaborate more on that ? I'm asking it because I've always found that FM should be moddable in almost every aspect, and I think this is something that can actually happen in FM25 because Unity engine is the one Cities Skyline, which is a game full of mods, was built from. FM community would benefit a lot from it I suppose.
  17. Inter Milan x Atletico Madrid today.. I think FM24 Match Engine will hate this match.
  18. AI Guardiola is even worse, sacked in many saves because possession football doesn't work properly in FM. Bizarre. The man is literally the best manager in the world, but in the FM world he is just like the average manager.
  19. You are right, it does resemble real life, the problem is that when you are losing, messing with the inummerous tools will not increase your chance of winning. FM is about keeping players happy, when you are losing that's what you have to concentrate on, nothing else. Messing with trainings, data hub, all these things will not make your team get out of a bad situation. You are right about real life managers delegating and having success, but real life success has got no formula you have to follow, that's why we see the likes of Thomas Tuchel winning UCL with Chelsea and struggling managing Bayern Munich. In FM you can always ignore the tools and concentrate in keeping the team happy and follow the tactics that suit the current ME better and you are set to win. I'm not bashing SI, I just wish there would be some randomness in terms of results if you follow always the same patterns, because what the game provides nowadays is just illusion of control and nothing else.
  20. This video says it all. He basically says (for those who don't want to watch): - I don't touch training - I don't touch data hub - I don't even scout (delegate it) - Transfer delegated to DoF, only having the final saying - Hiring staff delegated as well So basically all he does is change tactics, renew first team players contracts, accept or reject DoF offers and still wins easily. In summary the games has got loads of features and information but you don't need most of them to win trophies. I understand that it wouldn't be beginner friendly if you had to master all these features/areas of the game, but it is frustrating knowing one doesn't need to go far from basics to win. It's like saying: Hey, here's your data hub, your training tab, your scouting tab... but you don't need to mess with those to win games.
  21. The fact is that training should be connected to tactics in FM because that's basically what football is. A coach IRL simply telling his players to step back and counter doesn't mean anything if he hasn't trained his players to do this. The same goes for pressing, telling your players IRL to press without having the right players to do so and proper training, will create loads of space for the opposition to exploit. That's what FM should be about, but instead you can simply tell your players to attack and press and they will succeed accordingly. I don't know if SI can't do this properly, but to me is shocking how training is stagnated in FM and has almost no relation with what happens in the match.
  22. It's crazy how much of FM has become "select this to make things better, select that to make things worse". And I'm not only talking about tactics. Everything in the game has become just a matter of choice. There's no logic anymore, only decision that you make already knowing the exact outcome.
  23. I think these two black spaces are basically where FM has been lacking to focus on. We see little creative play going on in these spaces, and I'm not talking about assist coming from there, I'm talking about passing and involvement of players. Whenever I play and the ball enters the black space, usually what happens is the players will move the ball to wide areas and cross. Not that it doesn't happen IRL, but FM is almost certain it will happen. It makes the ME very dull and predictable, since wide play is OP and dumb players like Adama Traore and Dembele benefit from the imbalance of the ME.
  24. This is one hell of a bizarre thing. Each position has at least 4 available roles, yet I (and I believe lots of people) only use the same ones knowing that some will just not work. I believe, in total, there must be 45~55 roles available and I can bet most people don't even use 20 of them.
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