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Everything posted by GSfan

  1. Look at this: "For a while, this has felt quite old school given that modern football managers spend way more time on their phones than laptops." What the ****? I don't never ever play the game on my phone, or laptop, or other ******** devices. Is it a blame that being old school gamer or etc. Such a horrible concept that in every circumstance putting the ****ing gen Z to the forefront than those who play the game for years, maybe since CM series. I hope one day your monopolization on manager games would end. It seems that I'll end up playing the game after 25 years.
  2. Hi everyone, I generally watch matches in 2d match engine but in European cups the ball is bigger than in normal matches. I don't want it to be seen like this, would like to see it as usual. What can I do? Thanks.
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