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14 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    Athlone Town

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  1. Hi team, What positions/roles should each position be training for the best results? Should we stick to the position/role of each tactic, THEN include the individual training as shown in the recommended attributes? Thanks
  2. Thanks Knap, looking forward to more Havant tests. I'm gonna start with Holy Ghost and see how we get on. Cheers
  3. Hi all! Excited to fire up FM24. Is there a tactic that is recommended for lower league yet? Or just in general for low level players? Cheers
  4. Thanks. Will give it a shot. Would you still say these are the most effective for INTL management? Have you ever done, say a World Cup or Euros testing scenario? Cheers
  5. Hi Knap, thank you for all the hard work. Great stuff every year! Back in 2021 I asked you what the best tactic for international management may be. Back then it was whatever had less Player Instructions so there would be a bit more freedom and potentially less to learn. Do you you know if that is still the case with the current ME? Or, do you have a recommended tactic for a national team? Currently using ME23.2WOFKnap424PSGP112FACC and tried ME23.2WOFKnap4231IWSkewP324 but they do not seem as effective as with my club team. Cheers
  6. It worked and IT IS GLORIOUS. Thank you for the help!
  7. Big thanks. With qualifying for champions league and an upcoming World Cup, I am itching to get back in the mix
  8. Hi Zach, I uploaded yesterday with the name: cant continue.fm , i dont think i know how to reference that other than to tell you "I uploaded it". I just did so again through the OwnCloud! Let me know if you see it! -Randy
  9. Hi there, Hit a snag in year 2026 with a save. I can't use the continue button. I can go on vacation to move time forward, but can't do it via the continue. A few things: - I have saved, restarted the game and also tried restarting computer - it just happened out of the blue, without any other unique circumstance - i do not have a custom database, I have used the editor a few times in-game Thanks for any help you can give. I don't want to lose this save! -Randy
  10. Hi Knap and team, Big thanks for the yearly tactics. A must for me. I am about to launch into a lower league, semi-pro journey. Grabbed Beowulf from what I saw recommended in the thread. Figured i would ask the pros though, what tactic would you reco home and away for a semi-pro lower league journey with the new ME? Cheers!!
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