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Austrian Claret

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12 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Hi Knap Is it possible that the match engine in time can learn to counteract your tactic, While last season used your p112 tactic won everything easily, only lost 2 games all season. But now am really struggling to win but have exactly same team.If so what do you suggest against this
  2. Hi all, My team have won champions league, FA cup and Carabo cup but only got 50% performance rating. How can this be if you win then it must be 100% Is this normal.
  3. Many thanks mate thought you had done one with wide centre backs (Pep tactic), My mistake
  4. Hi Knap bit confused on 3rd sept you showed this tactic as having 110 pts (FM24.4 ME 24.2 KASHMIR 433 P110 FA) On 4 th sept was pic above SORRY MY MISTAKE WAS MAIDSTONE PTS
  5. Anybody tried this Indonesia tweak yet if so how's it going would love to know.
  6. Hi Knap have been using this miracle 1 tactic with the indonesia tweaks and have to say it is very impressive. Have sent a copy for you to test and let us know what you think after all it is yours. Indonesia 4231 Miracle 1.fmf
  7. Hi knap, Just seen 2 you tube videos (darkhorse and hood gaming) showing the indonesia tactic that won the FIFAe world cup. It was mentioned in the comments that this was a Knap tactic (Yeah...they used KNAP's tactic from 2 months ago, it's on SI site, it's a killer tactic, ultra pressing, the better the team the better the results...) if so do you have a link to this please
  8. Hi knap is there any way to incorporate 2 DLP into a tactic, Have 2 world class players in this position.
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