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151 "Just keep swimming"

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  1. There have been quite a few FMs that have had major issues which made the game easier, i.e. the massively OP 3 striker tactics in FM10 or Messi being available on a free transfer in the second season of FM12, but, as a general rule, FM has gotten much MUCH easier over the years. As a result, the only logical answer to this question would then be "the latest FM" because FM 24 is easier than 23, and 23 is easier than 22, and so on. It's a shame though, because this makes the game boring. I haven't touched FM 24 in 3 months after I won a quadruple with a destitute Milan side in the year 2034. I don't ever remember an FM being this easy, where you can just pick a side in disarray, with 2-3 top players, well into their 30s, and win everything in your first season with the team...
  2. I did get sacked in my first season of FM24. I just took a tactic, slapped it in there, and let rip. Messed up a few team talks and that was it, could never get out of the death spiral. I was out by November. Second go around, same team, same tactic, but I did things properly: filled up on proper coaches, was much more careful with team talks, kept everyone happy, etc. I won the league by 24 points.
  3. Wages are completely broken this year. By my second season, I was already spending 3 times my first season's wage budget, despite not getting European football and the league's level being unchanged. In my current season, the 4th in-game, I'm on a 320k/week wage budget. Champions League participation doesn't even cover my yearly wages anymore! Every player I talk to demands 3-20 times what they're earning! Don't get me wrong, I understand that some random African/South American wonderkid is entitled to ask 40 times their $600/week wages, but having players with 6-7k/week in wages ask for 70k(!!!!) to join my club is making progress nigh-impossible! I have to sell half my team every season because they ask for 80 grand a week to renew their contracts!
  4. In my opinion, just picking a team like MU, City, PSG, Barcelona, RM, etc. with a newly created manager with 0 experience makes this whole game pointless. The point of the game is to become a famous football manager. When you can just blast through all of the lower leagues, where most managers cut their teeth, in a few years the point of the game becomes mute.
  5. I'm playing a journeyman career, Romanian First Division, second season of the game, brand new save started after the full release.
  6. Just blitzed through my second winter transfer window. My entire division completed 20 transfers over the winter transfer window... 7 OF WHICH WERE MINE! This is a brand new save, started AFTER the full release came out, and I'm 1.5 seasons into the game! This game is pretty much broken.
  7. My entire division completed 20 transfers over the winter transfer window... 7 OF WHICH WERE MINE! This game is pretty much broken.
  8. The only leagues that work in this game are EFIGS... sometimes, everything else is beyond broken. I'm playing in the Romanian First Division and by the second season I have won 23 out of 24 league games. I haven't lost a single game against other teams in the league in nearly a year, including cups. Transfer activity is non-existent both in terms of sales and purchases. Teams do spend money, but they only buy youngsters that they stick in their reserve teams or local players. The state of these leagues is the worst it's been in the last 15+ years of FM! It makes playing journeyman careers completely pointless since you'll get massive reputation boosts by waltzing through these leagues... and that's a problem since they make up 90% of the leagues inside the game! I understand that these leagues don't draw in the big crowds, nor the big money, but the way in which 80% of the playable content in the game is almost broken makes me seriously question if I'll ever preorder the game again. If the AI in this game simply can't be fixed, I do not understand why we can't be given difficulty levels and/or gameplay modifiers to customize the game to our liking. At this point, the only way to make these leagues playable is to either limit yourself to some arbitrary rules or give every team in the league a sugar daddy and hope for the best...
  9. After owning the game for nearly a month, I finally finished playing through one season today. If I could sum up my experience in one word it would be "disappointing". I waltzed through the league with a team of 21 players, barely covering first-11 and reserves, and had no trouble leading the pack by 15 points by December. In FM, the adage "victories beget more victories" is a mathematical certainty. I went on an 8 game winning streak and that was all she wrote for the rest of the season. The last FM I bought was FM 22 and I would find it impossible to tell the difference between FM 24 and FM 22 outside of the matches. Hell, I would be hard pressed to be able to tell the differences between FM 24 and FM 20 at this point... The AI in this game is completely braindead. It only works in the first 6 months of the game if you choose to turn off first window transfers. From that point on, only the absolute best clubs in the world actually manage to consistently transfer decent players and build competitive squads. I was looking forward to the AI "improvements" taunted in the feature blogs, but I'm almost positive that the transfer AI is stupider than it was FM 22. During the game's first seasonal transfer window, my main league rival transferred a whopping TWO players (!!!). Both of them went straight into the 2nd team. This is my main league rival, the best team in the league, firm favorites last season, and whom I beat to the title by 15+ points! They're flush with cash, have an attendance several orders of magnitude greater than all other teams in the league, and have qualified for European football! I added a manager just to check their finances and they have nearly 4 million in the bank a total profit of 6 million euros! The AI is simply incapable of managing anything but the most cash-rich clubs in the world, where they can spend with reckless abandon, not play ANY of their new signings, and STILL have millions to spend next season. All that talk about squad rotation and better squad building is just that: talk! AI squads regularly lose/fire/release twice the number of players they bring in! They end up with preposterously small squads and can barely put together a functioning first-11, when an injury crisis hits. This is the bane of Football Manager in the past 5+ years! The whole game world goes tits-up when players disrupt the "natural" flow of things by... you know, winning stuff and managing their club like a real life club! Elsewhere things are basically the same as they've always been. Matches look nice, by FM standards, granted you can get passed the insane on-the-pitch AI that seems to do whatever it pleases, disregarding the roles assigned to them and generally only following the overall tactical instructions. Player interaction is a joke. It' s completely random and not even worth fiddling with. Player decision making in the transfer market is pretty much random, clubs regularly let sellable players go for no profit, etc. At this point I would be amazed if FM25 manages to do things differently, but this franchise could really use a reset.
  10. Every time this topic comes up many people get extremely defensive, for reasons that are not clear at all. The last few FMs have been extremely easy, and this is one of the reasons I'm skeptical about the proposed changes in FM 24 and why I also skipped 23. Waaaaaaaay back in the days of FM 07 and FM 08, even smaller leagues, let alone big leagues, would pose a challenge well beyond the first 2-3 seasons of the game. The challenge slowly started "eroding" with the years, but I remember still fighting bitter battles for the Serie A with my Milan team back in FM 18. However, since at least FM 20, disrupting the "natural" flow of things in any league, like the OP said, seems to "break" the game. If you take a PL minnow or mid-tier team and start challenging for the title all of the other teams seem to be incapable of winning their matches anymore, let alone the direct matches against your team. In FM 21 I did a journeyman career and ended up managing Tottenham in them mid 2030s. The team was a mid-level team when I took over, I won the title in the first year and then the year after that as well, which almost completely broke the league. Man Ciy and Liverpool became mid-tier teams and Arsenal became a title challenger. I quit Tottenham and managed Liverpool, easily winning the title 2 years in a row, while Tottenham sunk and Man City was a lower half team. I then managed Man City, won the title two times, and, guess what? Liverpool was a already steadily going down, and the "revelation" Arsenal was now a lower half team as well. I then ended up managing Arsenal, winning the league a few times and quit and went to Spain where I won the title with 9th place Valencia and made Barcelona skip out on Europe. Literally every time I managed an "outsider" and challenged for the title the other title challengers broke and couldn't recover for seasons on end. And let me tell you that, in the late 2030s-early 2040s, these were some of the best teams in the game. I easily won the CL every time I got to participate in it. It's funny to me how nearly every game nowadays wants your undivided attention, is massively hardcore and has tonnes of scalable difficulty levels or requires you to be an expert at some sort of finger-gymnastics to master it, yet strategy games, FM included, are still a breeze. These are the games that should be hard, because they're made for replayability!
  11. The feature blogs this year are pretty darn good. in fact, they're the best I've seen in years. Most people clamor for better AI and AI squad building and SI seem to be delivering on that front. This is a far cry from announcing a bunch of licensed banners and a new (useless) screen as headline features. That being said, I am a bit skeptical about the end product. I will buy FM 24, but I'll hold my judgment on whether or not Ai has improved until I get 5-10 seasons of game time.
  12. Middling team in top rated league, and its not even close. The game's logic heavily favors regular playtime in better rated leagues over European competitions.
  13. There is a very good reason to not do that: the game is more expensive after it's released. With the preorder you get a lot of discounts. Even Steam offers a 20% off deal if you preorder. So, while it's nice that SI still does a demo, if you're interested in buying you will probably be better off doing so before the game is released.
  14. I hate to be "that guy" but this harkens back to the days of FM 2014 (IIRC) when the new player interactions broke the transfer market and a pissed off, 27-year-old, Messi could be picked up for free or for 30 million. That issue was never fixed in that version of the game and I do remember that it took them several releases before they managed to iron that issue out from all leagues. Sure, the major leagues, and the major offenders were quickly fixed, so no more Messi for under 30 million, but I would argue that the AI is still too passive in signing contract extension with their players and the amount of, high reputation, high value, players available on Bosmans is (still) not fixed. I'm hoping this bug won't have the same lifecycle...
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