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  1. Type: Apple Model: 14" MacBook Pro M3 Max 1TB SSD CPU Model: 14-core RAM: 36GB GPU: 30-core Graphics Level in 3D: Very High Benchmark 1 FM24: 0 min 31 sec Benchmark 2 FM24: 1 min 06 sec Benchmark 3 FM24: 2 min 33 sec Benchmark 4 FM24: 8min 50 sec weirdly benchmark 3 was faster than the 16 core model posted above. Ran it twice and was within a second each time
  2. Yes but it wasn’t free to make, when it was bundled with the main game.
  3. It wasn't viable financially for the usual reason things aren't financially viable - not enough people were buying it.
  4. It's been stated a load of times on here - FM Touch wasn't financially viable as a standalone product. The partnership with Apple makes it financially viable. If it wasn't on Apple Arcade, it wouldn't exist at all.
  5. They’re not in a position to give a specific date, as they’re not in control of when (for example) App Store approvals are given.
  6. The worst version ever It's not even the worst version in the last 12 months. Thank god you weren't around for CM4 FM24 (even at beta stage) is the most I've enjoyed an FM in years.
  7. No announcement yet on Apple Arcade, more information due w/c 30th, and now Apple have announced an event for 30th when they’re due to announce new Macs (and will often have studios at the event announcing new games/apps) coincidence?
  8. I'd question whether simply saying something is "possible" is really a claim that needs a great deal of evidence... but since you asked, given that FM Touch was canned due to being commercially inviable and was only resurrected because a deal was signed with Apple, it's hardly beyond the realm of possibility that there's a similar situation at play with FMM.
  9. Also true of a game that comes as part of a subscription. The choice is not taken away at all.
  10. Piracy of FMM would be pretty negligible on iOS. Not sure whether the same can be said on Android. I know historically there was a lot more, but I’m unsure of current situation.
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