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Everything posted by scythian12

  1. I have started uploading it, "last save overwrite backup" is the name... But it will be probably a week before the case, so the player might not have been offered out for loan yet. As this has already happened to me previously, I paid attention to accept the bids I want first and then reject the (foreign 0% wage backup role) bids I do not want, it did little help it seems.
  2. Player complains that loan promise was broken because I turned down some offers, accepted one. He should be happy if any loan offer is accepted, not unhappy if any is rejected...
  3. So I just made the instruction to sub off two players, it went through in the next highlight one of them got a red card, the sub still went through.
  4. SI, just use the viridis (/inferno/magma/plasma) palette of the matplotlib colormaps for ANY data visualization. https://bids.github.io/colormap/
  5. Could you run an analysis and see which designs are being used across the db, especially socks and shorts? And maybe replace options like the half/half or quartered shorts or the different front/rear colour socks which I will be very surprised if they get used at all. Replace with options such as the thin short edge one which I suggested a while ago and as it actually is in use in real-life kits is probably advanced to the most used shorts template after the side line ones. Will out in some suggestion for new designs later with some pics. (one obvious would be single thin / single thick sideline versions on shorts). If people from the community have examples (especially if used across 2-3 kit manufacturers) which are common in use yet not featured in the game. + not strictly related to this issue, but please also introduce a fourth back of shirt design option, like the 'square for number' one but using the 'background' colour so that it is usable beyond the stripy / hooped / half-half kit templates. (Such as with horizontal, vertical and diagonal stripes)
  6. SI cites licence issues relating to this - I have no idea how imaginary kits in the future can be licenced but that is beside the point. I have long tried to create a fan tool to do exactly this (you would have to manually enter the data via the IGE), but it is extremely difficult to create a logic / easy UI for all the different possibilities that arise in this field. Please have a look at the home-away-third kits (incl socks) of the last 20 years for ManU Bayern Inter Monaco Atletico Madrid AS Monaco Willem II Tilburg Celtic Venezia Sampdoria River Plate for example and explain how you would set up inputs for these clubs in a program to create a new and realistic kit set, so that any of the kits they actually wore could feasibly be generated by it.
  7. I have gotten ever so slightly closer to the explanation - 1) I was still missing the setup for the "number of teams" not only underneath the "Stage" settings in the Divisional settings, but also underneath "Required Teams" on the national tab, when done this eliminated the min/max teams on the Regional Division Coords screen in the testing setup. 2) I have set centre points well and truly far away, so this made the "Regional Divison Calculation" menu produce the results I was chasing I still do not get why the "Best region score" for the Southern teams is 0, but the scores the distance calculation produce now correctly correlate with the latitude of the teams And now to the giant BUUUUT: in "Regional division scoring" some teams still get assigned to the wrong divison. You can see the combined score decreasing neatly with the teams sorted by latitude, but the teams that get assigned to the Northern division get a bonus of 20 to their "combined score" vs the Regional div calc, the teams in the South a malus of 20, so you see the scores producing jumps of 40 back and forth when a team is assigned to the "wrong" division One thing that seems really repeatable across tests is the fact that the game REALLY likes to keep teams that have been in this divisional level the year previously in their previous group. In this example, Mensdorf for instance should be clearly going to the South, but get assigned to the North. (They are the 5th northernmost team for the Southern Division in the "RD Calc") edit: In the other direction Waldbillig is wrongfully assigned to the Southern division, as I assume all the slots in the North are taken (with Mensdorf taking Waldbillig's rightful spot) Now I assume this menu underneath "Child Competition/Regional Limits --> General" should allow you to control this behaviour, e. g. previous season's divisional assignments not be influence the new one's. Still, none of the combination of allowing / disallowing any of the options here led to this behaviour. :-/ Sooo if anyone from the crowd or most likely SI who actually programmed up this bit, can anyone tell me what needs to be set where so that the "Regional Divsion Scoring" Completely resembles "Regional Division Calculation"? Pleeease
  8. Cheers, I get what you mean, but I would like to use the centre point method as it is more surefire than setting up division boundaries, as the participants will evidently vary over the years and it should be dynamic. Of course, one can set up the boundaries with a bit of overlap for these cases, but the centre point should be very reliable - the game just needs to calculate the distances from those points to the individual stadia and then find the optimum of the function of the sum of all distances with the condition that the divisions need to be filled with a certain number of teams. This is what the menus "Regional division scoring", "Regional divison coords" and "Regional Division calculation" tabs are for in the testing menu of the parent competition if you test the db in the editor. Unfortunately, they only appear for the last year of your sim. However, the contents of these menus are very enlightening for bug hunting purposes. So I was well confused then, why Colmar-Berg in my particular case was given a weighting by the program to put it into the Southern Division, when Hobscheid should have scored much more favourably to get into the Southern one, given it was the closest to Dudelange in the Northern Division. Yet it outscored Colmar-Berg 28-2 to be assigned to the North. I have discovered many things that were wrong in the db which could lead to this behaviour 1) The amount of teams was set 14-16 for each of the league stages in the sub-divisions, which could (so I think) lead to the regional division distribution to do it for only 14 teams for one of the leagues and assign the last two teams at random essentially. Now I have changed this to 16 strictly for Div 1, and 14 for Div 2, which seems to have made a good impact on scoring Now in the region coord menu, it still says for some unfathomable reason 14-16 teams for each division, but assignment works better Although I am still at a loss to try to understand what the individual entries here mean and why it chooses the boundary cities it does for the region dividers... Also not really understanding why there are two calculation tabs for a single season in there? 2) Some of the data in the db is plain wrong and needs to be fixed - Wilwerwiltz is up north and yet has the coordinates of being a Southern suburb of Luxembourg... Yet unexplicably correctly ends up in the Northern Div 2... 3) I have quite a bit of coordinates missing for stadia, I guess for those the program uses the city coordinates, but more prudency can lead to better results So will have to see how it fares when it has more reliable data to work with But there are some questions that remain - how are the "Regional Divison Calculation" and "Regional Divison Scoring" tabs related - they do not use the same data seemingly - see the example of Vianden Also do observe how the values in "Regional Division Calculation" do not correlate with Latitude at all, which they should do... also should they for "Regional Division Scoring", it should be a nice decreasing column of numbers under "combined score" when sorting by latitude...
  9. I think there are two discussions taking place in this topic running on parallel strings, and neither is being picked up by the 'other' party in a meaningful manner. 1) Algorithms are going to be subject to optimisation, especially if a 100-strong party develops an algorithm to use by a 1.000.000-strong audience 2) The match engine in FM 23-24 favours attacking tactics. If you try to replicate 2012 2010 Mourinho, it ain't gonna work. I am yet to find a proper answer/response/solution for 1) from "the game audience" 2) from the developers Edit: of course it should be the 2010 Mourinho Inter I am referring to, 2012 Chelsea CL win was with di Matteo
  10. Yep indeed, many thanks - SI's ways are mysterious and it is good when someone can lift the veil. Now can someone explain how every team south of Useldange (actually the half of série 1) in the screenshot end up in the Northern Division, but Colmar-Berg in the Southern one??? If you can't read it: Colmar-Berg gets a score of 2 for the Southern division, Useldange 38 for north...
  11. So I would like the 3rd and 4th divisions of Luxembourg (1. Division and 2. Division just to confuse you a bit) to simply have the teams from the north half of the country in the sub-division called Série 1 and from the south in Série 2 respectively. So far, so easy. I have set up the sub-division in the leagues accordingly, with the northern and southernmost cities in the country as their centre points, both in the parent division and in the child divisions as well under "Child compeition/regional limits". No matter what settings I use under "general", the game just puts the teams in any division it seems fit without any system. There is one stage in the sub-divisions, which is the league phase, which actually pulls the teams from the division as stage 0, and a relegation stage, which is more involved. There is always cross-divisional relegation between adjacent league levels, the relegation stage always being in the higher level's stage collection. So relegation between 2nd-3rd level in the 2nd div, relegation between 3rd and 4th in the parent 3rd div and the relegation between 4th and 5th in the 4th div parent. But all in all, I would expect the game to gather all teams with promtions and relegations finished at the end of the season, just make a neat cut in the middle, and assign the northern teams into the série 1 and southern ones into série 2. What do I overlook? Do I need to introduce an extra sorting stage in the parent competition maybe or something similar? Usually the game handles these situation without one as well...
  12. Not this time, but this was not the only time this happened, will do a snapshot next time.
  13. Dunno, FM yoinks itself 11,5 GB, I thought it would take more if there was more scope for it. For instance, for the copious amount of extra graphics I use.
  14. Youth player comes and complains that he is not playing. Fair enough, but that's what he is on the loan list for If you don't actively cancel the loan listing BEFORE the conversation, the game does not let you promise him to go out on loan.
  15. Type: Laptop Model: Asus ROG CPU Model: AMD Ryzen 5800H CPU Base Frequency: 3.20 GHz CPU Turbo Frequency: 3.20 GHz RAM: 16 GB RAM Clockspeed: 3200 MHz GPU: Geforce 3070 (Laptop, only 8 GB!) Graphics Level in 3D: Very High Benchmark 1 FM24: 01 min 5 Sec Benchmark 2 FM24: 02 min 38 Sec Benchmark 3 FM24: 05 min 47 Sec Benchmark 4 FM24: 23 min 24 Sec Then I installed 64 GB 3200 MHz RAM to get the results Benchmark 1 FM24: 00 min 59 Sec Benchmark 2 FM24: 02 min 32 Sec
  16. Could you also check heading for CBs in the same manner? Seems to be a new issue this year.
  17. Am I justifiably annoyed that my Star Player complains for not getting enough playing time when I don't play him in any league games before European Cup games? Or am I supposed to play him literally every game and wait to get injured or be out of breath in the actual important games?
  18. In the new season got lucky enough to qualify for the CL again, again all Tuesday home games are in my own inadequate stadium, the one Wednesday home game in the Stade de Luxembourg.
  19. This is such a multi-faceted and incredibly infuriating issue that nothing has been done about 1) Scouting budget cannot be properly adjusted (e. g. by typing in a number at the start of the season) - if you have a ton of transfer budget, you can only assign a relevant portion of that budget to scouting, hence often being slightly underbudget or massively overbudget in scouting 2) Even though the scouting packages are paid for at the beginning of the month in full - you immediately lose all access to your scouting package as soon as you hit negative money in scouting 3) Then your scouts start budgeting individual assignments, quickly exacerbating the existing credit (even though they were covered at the beginning of the month by the package...) 4) then you cannot adjust the budget for whatever reason (in this case I do not even have ANY transfer business which could be a half-argument on why the scouting cannot just pull the costs for the package for the month. 5) Best of all (this is not the case here, but will be), when the new season starts and the board sets the new scouting budget + smaller package (which the game deems suitable for your rep level) you also immediately lose the previous one you already paid for and the same circle starts and point 2). So in the end, you just end up paying about 10-20 maybe even 30 % of the yearly package costs, and do not have access to it a good half / full month even though there was more than ample budget and capacity for covering this.
  20. Also another incomprehensible effect of the strange legibility 'support' feature Schifflange's numbers are turned to black in the match engine Belvaux' remain the illegible blue Can some explain why or how these two behaviours can exist in harmony in the game?
  21. It has been uploaded to the server (twice...) called Wolz v Red Black.pkm
  22. The current scouting system as in which players are visible bothered me for a while now as it is completely irrealistic for small-size clubs. You essentially get no knowledge whatsoever or suddenly know every single player in a particular country, and then in the region. Yet at the same time, especially for clubs close to national borders in Europe, you would have quite a few players playing at amateur level across the border very happily, yet in FM you would have to grow into a national club for them to even consider this. Same with player movement - at amateur clubs or low rep sides, you can still sign players from the other side of the World (or even your country) who will join you to play for peanuts in a completely different country just for the privilege to play football for your club. This may be applicable for say players on 'natural' migration routes, e. g. from Africa to Europe, South Asia and Southeast Asia to the Arabic bay countries or Central and South Americans moving to the North of the continent. Yet no Argentinian or Brazilian will suddenly decide to turn up to play in a random lower league European club just because he played at a similar level in Brazil before. I mean, this would not even happen within the same country on lower levels, someone won't just pack his bags and move from Somerset to Rutland just because a United Counties League club wanted him to sign. (and they would not know about him in the first place). Another irk of mine is the strict division of the World into individual zones of countries lumped together, and as by some magic scouting package, at reasonable budget clubs they suddenly know all the players but only within the boundaries of these blocks of countries, which were arranged by some God of Footballing Geography. My suggestion would be for clubs to be able to see and attract players in growing geographical zones, but linked to their club and its actual physical location on the map; so essentially first city-level and regional (say a 20 km-radius around the club), then macro-regional (say, 50-100 km within the nation + closest foreign cities and towns if within 10-20 km), then 250 km / national, and on a multinational level using first the neighbours of the footballing nation or countries within reasonable proximity or in case of former colonial powers countries with their language / cultural heritage, then a pan-national (~1000-1500 km radius circle) and finally worldwide scouting. Knowledge / attraction across borders would also heavily be influenced by relative economic status, city attractivity and language barriers. The same would apply to people in game, where they would have more detailed knowledge a) at the level they played / managed at b) at the place they played / managed at. So for instance a manager who worked at clubs rep level 2000-3000 would know the 100-km radius football / people of the individual cities he worked at, but would have to use more money to lure someone to his new club even playing at a similar level whom he knows from before, when the player is outside the scouting and attraction range for the said club. I guess for the approach to work, unemployed people would not be staying 'in a nation' but the city of their last employment (alternatively, their city of birth if known, but this is a more spurious approach) There could also be some potential for less exponential jumps in the scouting packages in terms of player count and cost, but a more gently tiered one with different literal scouting radii offered.
  23. This answers the first issue, thank you, but leaves the others up to query.
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