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11 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    Europa Point (Gibraltar)

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  1. Great progress, you're flying through the seasons and I can't believe you're already so close to being in the top flight! How have you found the personalities of your squad to be so far? I know how important they can be with development and can only imagine how impactful they are in a youth-only challenge. I've have quite an issue with most players becoming unambitious for some reason after being introduced to the senior squad, although the latest patch seems to have reduced that, and I can imagine a similar issue might be pretty detrimental for you.
  2. In my current save (no pre-game/in-game editor) I accepted a deal in January that explicitly says it would go through on July 1st, the end of the season. Despite this, when I accept the deal the player is transferred immediately. So far I can find no way to accept the deal without it immediately going through, even though I triple-check that it shouldn't go through until the end of the season every time.
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