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77 "There's no crying in baseball"


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    Transfermarkt IS NOT a source for Scottish DoBs!

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    Transfermarkt IS NOT a source for Scottish DoBs!


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    Transfermarkt IS NOT a source for Scottish DoBs!

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    Falkirk researcher

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  1. We've had no March deadline bud, Scottish deadline was early - mid February, for the data update that was released a few week back. The March deadline, literally was just to update the Chinese/MLS leagues (I think it was those leagues) as a finality/part 2, for that update. Everything you mention has already been picked up in ORDB though.
  2. Other than the actual birth certificate . A legit site, like SFA, UEFA. Club website (but even then, they can be wrong on occassion). But aye, we need the clubs to start offering the info up again. It's frustrating, but we legally cannot leave ourselves open to any sort of comeback entering 2007s early before the "school start." We might get away with it 99 times out of 100. 1 time we won't. Our database itself, doesn't let you add a DoB after 31/8/200(7), which is why we need definitive proof when adding a YoB. We can't go violating a kids privacy for a computer game. That's why as I say, we know players have to be 16 to play in competitions, so we can work out who is eligible and can definitely be added with out a DoB. And again if theres' 05's, 06's missing, great, we'll get them added.
  3. Sorry for the big ramble of txt there. I hope it's made a bit more understandable. But aye, any help with DoBs for the 2007s and if there's any missing 2006ers that should be in the game, the help is appreciated. But it definitely isn't the case of us not trying.
  4. I don't think you realise the hoops we need to jump and depths we need to plunge to get the academy players added. The main thing is DoB and PROOF of DoB. Not transfermarkt DoB or any other 'stat' website. Said last year on one of the English threads, that site's going to cause us hunners of issues in the future when folk come in and say "this DoB is wrong, transfermarkt says this" and we then can't remember the source for the real DoB. Absolutely convinced they use the FM random generarted DoB for youth players sometimes. I can understand the frustration that these players aren't in, I get it. I play the game too. It's annoying. But I'm sitting here with 18 U18 players for Falkirk. I've got 6 names from the U16s. I think it's 5 I've actually got in the database/game from the 2007s? They need to be 16 before 31st of August 2007 (2008 next year and so on). Normally it's don't know a DoB? No bother, add the YoB. We can't do that with the kids. Yeah, I can add 2007 to one of them, but that could get us in trouble if he's not 16 by the cut off date. I dunno how old you are, but back in my day when I first started this 23 years ago, we had the SFL Review at the start of every season, brilliant book! DoBs. PoBs. Heights. Weights. Contract date for every contracted player/youth. Club websites carried alot of that information too. That's all but gone now, SFL Review for 18 years now . Scottish clubs like to keep that info hidden, understandably in this privacy era. We got back in December 1st there, I went to the SFA website to get the teamsheets for the last Scottish Youth Cup matches to add the Stirling Albion 18s. I went onto Peoples Register Scotland to look up the YoB. 1st 5 players. 2007. 2007. 2007. 2007. 2007. You've then got to go down rabbit holes to try and find the real birthday. So these guys arent in yet. So aye, we know these players exist that arent in the db. We know the sites to look at. SFA website is brillaint for DoBs for players capped in the youth teams. It's brilliant when the Premiership B teams enter the SPFL Trust trophy, as the first round usually starts before the August cut off, so anybody that plays in that (or the League Cup summer group stages), we know are 16, so can enter "Yob 2007" and tick box 16 before 31st August.
  5. Which McGregor can easily do in game, given that even with the 16, he's still rated as the best DM CA in the league. Granted, he could probably be pushed up to 18 for DM rating, so he'll play their more regularly for AI Celtic, but again, it doesn't change the fact he can already do what you're asking, as the change doesn't significantly alter his DM position CA. Nisbet and Taylor, with the greatest respect, is just shouting in the wind. There's nothing for us to go on there other than you think they should be higher, your opinion, not factual data error, where as our team has a different opinion. What attributes do we up? What do we lower? Kevin Nisbet, 115, rated the best striker in Scotland outside of the Old Firm (along with Shankland) in game, with already 15 finishing, 14 heading, 14 composure, anticipation 14, 12 off the ball. They're already very good attributes for a striker in Scotland, so what else do we up? We don't just force up his poorer attributes, to try and justify a higher CA. Millwall were in for him in the last window there, if he moved to Millwall with his current CA, he'd be in amongst their strikers who are also rated in the 114 to 118 bracket, which imo, is the level he'd be at if he went down south. He's got the PA to make him a fairly good Old Firm player and a star for a playoff to mid table English Championship side. Greg Taylor 125CA (though attributes are 126) so 126 makes him the joint second best left back in Scotland (Yilmaz at 130 is currently an anomaly, as we don't just decimate another research teams work after 6 months, when we've not had a decent chance to see the player on the park ourselves). So he's already highly rated, what attributes do we up, without over powering him? What do we lower? Every attribute change has a knock on effect. Like ATW said, he's already a very good, overall package, left back in game, with a better consistency attribute than the two 126s beside him. Again it comes back to us saying play the game, see how players perform, don't just look at numbers in the editor.
  6. You canny not love the irony of calling us clueless, while going on to demonstrate you don't know how the process works yourself. Abada is the better footballer in the database, not by much, but he is. (And now the other side will come in to moan ). There's two very important physical attributes that automatically mean Kent's CA is going to be high (and funnily enough, it's the same two that boosted Maeda's CA and caused a big rammy between us all). Pace and acceleration. Those who don't like CA discussion, look away now. Give Abada Kent's 16/16 and he becomes a 139 player, better than Kent. Give Kent Abada's 15/14 and Kent becomes a 128 player, making Abada better. Now, you can argue if you want about Kent's 16/16 or Abada's 15/14, that's fair enough but it still doesn't change the fact that Abada is currently the better footballer in the database. I'm not trying to be a smart-arse (despite my opening), I'm just trying to explain that its not just as simple anymore as to load up the editor as soon as the games out, look up CAs and get mad about them. The final CA is just a small final piece of the puzzle, what with every attribute weighted, every position now with a CA and weighting. It's why we every year, we constantly bang on about play a season first, see how things play out, as just going into the editor and pointing out numbers, is useless.
  7. I can confirm Niall very much remains one of the main figures in our research team. The Highland & North Caledonian Leagues are in good hands. (I'm also now the owner of a cracking St Duthus away top, because of said main man ). Lowland League is in an equally safe pair of hands, with one of Mozza's pals and Lowland League podcast colleague, @RampantFM, overseeing tier 5 and helping keep the tiers below tidy. Both Niall and Chris are fantastic at what they do, in helping the Scottish 'unsupported' leagues, come alive.
  8. East Kilbride, again, adds to what I'm saying about this issue in the alpha forum, as they have an U20 team (as they do irl), in the database.
  9. No need, i've spotted it here . It's what he's been known as in the database, since his creation at Rangers. Rangers referred to him as "John." It was also what he went by on social media, though now he's changed it to "Joao Balde (John Balde)" But you're right, he probably shouldn't have it set as a 'common name' now. Ta.
  10. I'm not sure if this will have anything to do with it, or if its the same issue, but having a look at the loan rules at the start, there's a problem with "maximum of 4 domestic players allowed on loan in a season." That rule shouldn't be there and goes against the correct "maximum of 5 domestic players allowed on loan at one time" which we've got correctly in. Need to remove the maximum of "4 domestic players allowed" entry (for all 4 divisions) altogether. SPFL rules - pg 158, No.57
  11. See, maybe it's my eyes, the screenie, but I'm seeing tanned there? Like I say, the appearance data hasn't been changed since he arrived in the Scottish db but JamboJapp will look at it. Database has been locked for a wee while now though.
  12. He shouldn't be? He's mixed race / skin tone 12, in the database and looking back, it's not been changed from previous versions.
  13. I think he's signed for Queen's Park in your game, as I'm sure he starts off on a free in the beta as he was moved over to Queen of the South late on in the research cycle and missed the beta data cutoff. He's definitely at QotS in our db and will be in the main release.
  14. Celtic themselves. Normally we get to choose and then its run by the SPFL for approval due to licensing. This year, the clubs took control and oooooh boy...
  15. Not going to question any of your stuff @joe5p as I'm stuck down in the seaside leagues, but its just to say 'eccentricity' from what the researcher guidline is, is an off the field trait, not an on field. In which case 'McSha... Likes to have fun' should probably still have higher than 4
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