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Posts posted by barron

  1. I like the idea of the interim manager, but it seems completely broken. Two cases in point;

    Having taken Woking from the Conference to the Premier League & Champions League titles within ten years, I fancied a change of scenery and to take on a new challenge. At the end of the season, I applied for the Deportivo La Coruna job, in Segunda (which was free). Upon being offered it, I was told it was an interim position?! Firstly, what club appoints an interim at the end of a season? Also, i'm (in game) basically the best manager around (also Brazil manager at the time) - in what world would they not bite my hand off?

    Instead, I applied to Zaragoza (also Segunda) and got that full time. Now, having taken them to the Primera at the first time of asking, i've also won the Copa America with Brazil. I was told by a news item, i'd have 'the pick of any international job'. Now applying to my home country of England (also free), i've been told this will also be an interim position! It's utterly ludicrous. What nation would not take a manager with that kind of record full time?!

    It's a nice feature/idea, but it's hard to argue with it being spectacularly badly implemented given the examples above.

  2. 1 hour ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    There should have been an opportunity to respond so if you can send me the save game then I'd appreciate it ... with regards to their behavior, it's likely that they'll recover at some point.

    Most likely either your run will continue and they'll start believing or you'll lose and the pressure will dissipate fairly quickly afterwards (so a loss and the next win, that sort of thing).

    PS - Did you go on holiday at all around when the message arrived?

    Gotcha. And no, no holiday.

    Yes of course - not having done it before from mobile, how do I send the save game?

  3. 13 minutes ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    The situation as I see it - the club are performing amazingly and you dumped additional pressure on your players when they were (probably) already somewhat stressed and expecting their streak to end at some point.

    (this is making a presumption about your response to the news item obviously and I'd be very happy to take a look at your save game to check the reactions)

    ...I didn't respond at all. There doesn't even seem to be a mechanism for me to respond on the page. (see below)

    So i'm not sure in what way I dumped pressure on them as I wasn't involved. That's sort of my point - a random newspaper article shouldn't be able to tank 17 of my players, otherwise I should start writing a real-life blog about Aldershot and they'll get relegated.



    PS - The sides professionalism isn't bad, but I think they're pressured partially because you've encouraged a lot of pressure and attention on them for the unbeaten run ... it'll pass and their morale will pick up in time I'm sure, the reasonable 'professionalism' within the squad will help to keep results somewhat stable despite their mood most likely.

    So based on this Marc, when I finally get beaten they'll all be super happy and their mood will go up? Or will it, as I suspect, go down whether I win or lose on this basis?

  4. 37 minutes ago, ElliottMS said:

    Tbh I think this isn't so inaccurate. They're punching above their weight and doubting themselves. It's likely to lead to a drop in form, and is that not unrealistic. So far you're fighting it off looking at your results. Talk to your players, praise good performances etc (don't over do it as they get indifferent). You've got this.

    This might be reflective of the team leaders personality. Check your team report where it rates their professionalism etc, I wonder what that would reveal?

    I understand it having some effect, but it's the extent which is insane. At the end of the day, they're top of the table, unbeaten and near suicidal. This is wholly unrepresentative of basically any football team, ever that a succession of wins leads them to be incredibly upset. The next couple of results were a 4-1 win over a League Two team in the FA Cup 2nd round and an 8-1 win over Boreham Wood - didn't really seem to move the needle.

    Professionalism is a C. Seems ok for a VNL side.

  5. As Woking in the VNL, we're currently top of the league after 16 games, unbeaten. Scoring goals, playing good football. So the players must be delighted right?

    Oh so very wrong. It's about the worst it could possibly be.




    So could it be current form? No, that's fine.



    No, what appears to have had this effect is a newspaper article suggesting that maybe - just maybe - we might go the season unbeaten. And the players, they don't agree.


    Now bear in mind, i've never suggested they can. We're 16 games in. And I can see that an article like that might have some effect. But tanking their entire morale as if they were in a relegation fight is patently ludicrous. They may not have the mental toughness of the cream of the Premier League, but they're professional lower league footballers, not 4 year olds.

    I would love to see some form of justification as to why this mechanism is there. Bear in mind, this wasn't an article suggesting anything negative - just that we might go unbeaten. THAT'S how well we're doing. It's absolutely absurd.

  6. 13 hours ago, Prepper_Jack said:

    They put the clause in the contract for a reason, and failure to abide by it is, in fact, wasting their time and the players time. If you aren't willing to abide by the contracts, don't sign off on them, or expect they won't care if you breach them. He's not your player, and it's not for you to judge what their best role is, how you want him to develop, whether the other club is stupid for wanting that, or whether they're unreasonable for expecting that your contractual agreement means you'll abide by your contractual agreement.


    Would love to do this, but as a totally broke club it's impossible. One of the loaning teams wanted no wage contribution as a CB, but 100% if I insisted they would be a BPD.

    As someone said above, it's entirely about how much they care. Also, let's be honest - if we're chasing realism then 'roles' aren't something that actually exist in real life. If i've lent a player to a Championship club, how on earth would I know if in training or in games they're being asked to pass the ball more, or less? It's such a nebulous thing.

    The only thing I would know is if they're being played in the right position, and that should be the only thing that's relevant in negotiations.

  7. Working my way up through the leagues with a lower league side, the amount of unhappiness from managers that i'm loaning players from is completely unrealistic. I can understand having certain positional requirements (not playing a striker on the right wing for instance) but the role requirements are so stringent as to be ludicrous.

    Case in point - for the second time i've had my star centre back recalled because i'm playing him as a 'ball-playing central defender' rather than a 'central defender'. Is it really the games suggestion that a club would loan out their young player, have him star in the division below (currently with a 7.64 average) and massively improve as a player, but then recall him because of some vague subtlety about the amount of passes he's asked to make?! It's making the whole 'role' system look ridiculous.

  8. Board requests seem to have been broken for years, but this season really ramps it up, unless i'm missing something?

    My Woking team are currently 3 games from winning the premier league, having finished 7th, 6th, 5th and 2nd in the proceeding seasons. We were promoted consecutively through the leagues, and have £170m in the bank (has been up to £220m).

    In all this time, since the conference, the board has refused to upgrade the training facilities. They're merely 'adequate' - the same as they were at National League level. But apparently, this is good enough for 'a club of our size'? (4* continental reputation, in case you were wondering). I should add that I've asked at least once every couple of months for the last NINE SEASONS.

    Would love to know, is this actually broken? Or is this an actual choice? As it makes no logical sense if the latter.

  9. I can see why you'd buy it, but that's absolutely my point - £536m in the bank now, and my facilities have actually just been downgraded due to technological advances (still, the board do nothing) and the only option i'm left with is to purchase an upgrade. If that's not a fix, I really don't know what is. 

    Would love to hear some sort of explanation for this, but the silence should really tell me all I need to know.

  10. It's ludicrous. I now have £450m in the bank through player sales, 3 x Prem winners and 2 x CL with a fully sold out stadium for three years of just 26,000. And they still won't negotiate an upgrade on that or the training facility. No-one from SI interested in responding to this? As it doesn't seem to make sense on any level.

  11. I've spent three years asking the board for two things - a bigger stadium and a better training ground. At Woking in 2030 - there's £73m in the bank, in the Prem for 7 seasons with all CL finishes, a CL final appearance and a Premier League title. 'Great' training facilities, which as we know is the level of a mid-level championship club. Even Brentford (bottom of the table) have state-of-the-art! Also sold out home games nearly every time now, and the option to expand stadium doesn't even appear...

     I really don't understand why they consistently reject any upgrades season after season - I don't want to suggest it's to make you purchase a board request for it, but it's looking more and more like that. Can anyone explain the logic here?

  12. I'm not sure if this classifies as a bug or just an unrealistic set of circumstances, but i've reached January and NINE of my first team players have been called up for Olympic Games (U23) qualifying. This would be fine, except I was under the understanding that PL games were rearranged or didn't clash with international fixtures - instead i've got 3 games to play with basically a team of reserves. I can't see a situation in real life where this would be allowed to happen?!

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