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Everything posted by noobcake

  1. Ok so here's an update as per the suggestion of @Andrew James I filtered my results for players >=130PA in loaded leagues only (~5k vs ~8k before) and here it is Loaded league players do develop better, but I'd hesistate to call it well, as they're still on average 6.6 points behind at 25 vs 12.6 with non-loaded. The worst is actually -10.4 at 21, whereas with non-loaded league players it was -13.94 at 26 So I guess if you want to play despite this at least load leagues as opposed to loading players though the custom database setup. It reduces the impact of the problem Players transferring in from unloaded leagues might still be affecting this but if you're running a large DB this is likely to happen to some extent anyway. Reducing the DB size and loading more leagues instead might make the issue even smaller. Just don't expect as many cool super exotic wonderkids if you don't load the league I guess Loaded leagues only spreadsheet
  2. This is correct, the only things missing are the inclusion of players in continental competitions from Europe and South America via load options. Out of these I only used players of >=130 PA to weed out players that don't seem to relevant for long-term development EDIT: Gonna take an hour or two but I'm gonna filter out all players in non-selected leagues and post the finding with only the relevant ones
  3. I still have a couple of concerns though. The CA of 15, 16, and 17 year olds in this patch is a bit lower on average than last patch. I doubt they're getting much play time. Both FM23 results are quite a bit lower at 15-17 than in early FM22 when my first test was which probably kickstarts the issue in the first place. Admittedly they were wildly overdeveloped compared to RL but if that is being nerfed I guess we need more compensation mechanisms
  4. The attribute imbalance is fixed. It now behaves the same as FM22 However, players now develop even less than before. They are down ~12.5 points of CA at 25 years old compared to players at game start 23.0.5 spreadsheet 23 beta release spreadsheet 22 spreadsheet save game 2050
  5. The attribute imbalance is fixed. It now behaves the same as FM22 However, players now develop even less than before. They are down ~12.5 points of CA at 25 years old compared to players at game start 23.0.5 spreadsheet 23 beta release spreadsheet 22 spreadsheet save game 2050
  6. Many of these issues were there already in FM22 (and years before). I actually consider FM22 after the fix for the age attribute degradation to be kinda reasonable as far as player generation goes. Unless you wanted a SK(A)... or an attacking WB/CWB... or a BBM... or a TM. It's just that whatever changed now made these issues so much worse
  7. Here, an actual statistical analysis on 50k+ players (only using the ones with 130+PA) in 2022 vs 2050 and comparing it between FM22 and FM23 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1muGtM_UJyCLV4T5__J3k5MweudFRDms8jKuP137SoPE/edit?usp=sharing It's very broken, compared to FM22 most things got significantly worse I can link the actual FM22 spreadsheet if you want it as well Edit: just want to mention the FM22 data is from before the patch that slowed attribute degradation with age on high nat. fit. players. So the differences are probably really even higher
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