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Posts posted by tsatsee

  1. 34 minutes ago, afailed10 said:

    I'm using a 4141 on my save atm but my opinion is that there are more effective formations in the current ME. I feel you're playing half your team's potential in a 4141 but i need more testing.

    Even the AI is quick to fire managers that use 433 being Liverpool one of the few exceptions but their team is OP and the 4141 is great for UCL where teams don't defend so much.

    I don't see any other formation where I can use this team. First I was think for the 4231, but in this version I can't get enough from the AM strata, and I can only use 2 cm, but I have 4-5 good cm players.

  2. 27 minutes ago, CaptCanuck said:

    Higher D-line with standard LOE, with a front 3 that I am guessing are not that keen on the gritty defensive side of the game and 2 MFs that are not going to engage either? Seems that would be easy for sides like Chelsea and Milan to handle.

    You're giving them space and time to come out (even with 'more urgent' IMHO) or pick passes, but also compressing your defensive box to be caught out with longer passes. Are you seeing any over the top chances for the opposition from a DLP to striker? Especially in the Chelsea match, with the 8.7 and 8.8 ratings I am guessing that happened?

    Juve are simply too good to not be Serie A winners, but ya for Europe you'll need to do something.

    That is something I see sometimes. To try to defend I have my 3 attackers, and one midfilder has a PI to close down more.

  3. 1 hour ago, summatsupeer said:

    Your 1st so I wouldn't make any dramatic changes.

    I think you've made the classic 4141 DM Wide mistake and completely abandoned the AMC area and giving opponents Defensive Midfielder(s) an easy time which defensive teams will often use:

    • AF-At leads the line and rarely crops
    • IF-Su and TQ-At will mostly be in the left half space area and when they dribble inside no one is really making opponents DMs do anything so they're free to engage the wide forward without leaving another players free.
    • CAR-Su moves wider whilst not pushing up
    • MEZ-At moves wider and higher into same areas as AMR

    Whilst you don't want to end up with your players getting marked by going into congested area where opponents have there Defensive Midfielder(s), if you completely vacate that area your going to be relying on a wing heavy style to create chances.

    Thank you. 


    I already changed the midfield duo, because of that, and what I've read on another topic. 

    Right now, the midfield duo is set a bbm(s) and a cm(a) with more risk PI.

    It works much better now, so thanks for your info.

  4. 18 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

    I see in the screenshot of your tactic that you are 1st in the Serie A, which means that the tactic works. Therefore, I really don't see why are you actually asking for help/advice? 

    Can the tactic be improved? Yes. But then again, anything can be improved, no matter how good it might already be.

    But does it need to be improved (tweaked) when you are topping the league table anyway? I would say - no. At least as long as it works in terms of meeting or exceeding expectations. 

    Thank you. Yes the tactic kinda works, but I don't want to just win in serie A, I want to compete in the Champions league.

  5. 21 hours ago, Johnny Ace said:

    Hard to tell, you've just posted random games with the stats

    Watch the games & instead of stats use your eyes, who's giving the ball away at vital times? Who's running into dead ends? Do your players have options? Are they creating & using space? Watch the opposition, do they have a player dictating play? Do they have a fast wide man who's running though your team? Is one of there players finding himself in space to receive the ball in dangerous areas?


    Thanks, I saw some issues, after your post, I write it down later.

  6. First of all, thank you for your reply, I will try to explain my thoughts about the topics. I am maybe wrong, but this is what I saw ingame

    1 : The counter instruction is there, because when I switched it on, I have so much more through balls, and my midfield, an WB get forward faster, after an opposition attack or set piece, and I scored a some goals for through balls to Ronaldo. They are not that deep, because I am not palying high LOE, only Higher Def line, so they tend to move up the pitch more, than they usually do against extremely urgent, and much higher LOE

    2 : The tempo incrase is there, becaus I want my players to play fester football, because we have the quality, who can play that, so we are better to break down those defensive signs, before they track bakc

    3 : Maybe that could be an issue, but I don't want a player to just run forward, and dribble more, and cross more often, I want my wingbacks on support, so sometimes they overlap, sometimes they are a safe back pass. I should look into it.

    4 : Dybala, that is an interesting one. He has a trait, to comes deep to get the ball. With an Inside forward role, even on attack, he is deeper then a Treq, and also can't get enough passes, to work his magic. With treq, he is not that deep, but he better arrive in the final third, than an IF, so this is why he is a Trq for me. And he is working magick seeing those stats, This year even better.

  7. Hello everyone. 

    I think I finally have the time, and determination, to completely make my first working tactic.

    My problem is, that it won't work all teh time, but I just don't know, what to change, to play better against some attacking sides. In the screenshots above you see my tactic, my key players, and also some match stats.

    Most of the time, I can create chances with through balls, crosses, long shots, small passes in the penalty area. But sometimes, I couldn't create anything against not bigger sides, but against positiv tactics.










  8. I tried that, and it doesn't work very well. Right now I am using the beta patch, and it looks like, that it isn't really good for middle play, especially for AMC.

    But I am gladly try it out. If you have any idea, how to setup correctly.

    Anyway, thanks your advice, I have won my last 8 games, with your tweaks, I attach a screenshot about the tactic.(Don't look the starting eleven, I have so much injuries.) So thank you very much. Also removed the shoot less often TI.

    About instructions, if I don't have enough penetration(so much defending teams), I am usually make my DLPd, to DLPs, ande even move forward a bit. And right back, to IWBs, or even IWBa. And if need to be in transition counter press. So keeping an eye out always, because it is not a plug and play, but great base.



  9. Hello there, 


    I'm trying to make a good tactic for Juventus. So far it is looks like working, but lack of consistency. Most of my goals come from set pieces, or penalties. 

    My two best players are Ronaldo, and Dybala. Ronaldo is a finisher in my look, and Dybala is Playmaker wtih both finishing, and creating.

    Here is how I set up my tactic.

    Insturctions very few. Be more expressive - I think I have so much creative players, who can do their thing, and help me break down defensive sides

    Higher Tempo : The same, helps me break down defensive sides

    Take short kicks - Lot of long balls from goal kick resulted so much posession lost

    Counter - When we win the ball, I want frast transitions against defensive teams

    Higher defensive line - to help the compactness of the team

    About PI-s 

    DLF-At : shoot less often, Close down more

    IFsu : Shoot less often, close down more, Get Further forward ( I don't want him attacking, so here is I make more attacking minded)

    APsu (I want APa, because Dybala has a trait come back for balls, but on attacking, he is dribble too much, and I want him some killer balls, and hold the ball also) : Close down more

    Mez A : Close down more, shoot less often

    BBm su : Close dwon more, Shoot less often.

    The so much Close down PI I want high press, but in my own half, I want some stability.

    The problem is, I don't have enough penetration, and couldn't create quality chances, for Ronaldo, or Higuain, Or Dybala. But I want mos tof my goals from Ronaldo.

    Any help would be appreciated.




  10. Hello everyone,

    I'am thinking about Juve side, to create an attacking 4-2-3-1.


    IFa                        TREQa        Wsu

                       CMde    DLPsu

    WBsu      CDd     BPd    IWBsu


    TI: Work ball int box, be more expressive, counter, and counter-press, play wider, because of most sides will park the bus.

    Positive mentality

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