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Ipswich Staying Up

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Posts posted by Ipswich Staying Up

  1. Having played with the Hotfix since release it has definitely improved fullback ratings but there is undoubtedly still issues with midfield and forwards... Unless major events (goal/assist) occur it's impossible for players to achieve decent ratings despite the team performing well. Any idications that this is being reopened for review??  Or is the Under Review label still there from last time?!!


  2. 14 minutes ago, DavyDepuydt1 said:

    I don't think people want a date... they would be happy to know if SI will just stick to what happened over the past few years, a patch end of february...

    or if they are actively trying to bring in a patch earlier because they acknowledge that some issues 'deserve' a fix within a faster timeframe

    For people it can make the difference to wait a few days / week or two, or if they know "nothing will probably come within the next 2 months", than they can make up their mind to still try to enjoy the current game or go back to something else or an older edition... but don't go and check the forum/steam a few times a day to see if their beloved game is updated and they can finally start a game because - for them- gamebreaking issues are resolved

    This... just an indication of days, weeks or next patch (month+) would be amazing...

  3. 2 hours ago, Elflamablanca said:

    I actually think this is completely unacceptable as this issue has been flagged for 2 plus weeks now. It could have been addressed by simply rolling back the latest patch until it can be reviewed/revised to act correctly. Instead, many players have not been able to enjoy this game during this period of time because it does make it completely unplayable. You cannot progress in the game as the low ratings impact morale, your board approval, value, development of players...it is the reason probably 90% of people play the game. I haven't touched the game during a period I look forward to each year. The time away from work around the holidays is usually a time when I can make a lot of progress and really get invested in the game I purchase year after year. Unfortunately this isn't possible this year and the lack of a definite plan of action from SI is disheartening. I understand it is around the holidays but when you look on every social media and see complaints. Every content creator on Twitch or Youtube complaining about it and still nothing gets done or even acknowledged.


    I just hope this gets taken care of in short order.

    Or at least build some ability for people to be able to roll back the version if they choose whilst the studio has reduced resource over the festive period... for many this has made the game unplayable ever since the patch came out.

  4. 1 minute ago, Wavelberry said:

    As mentioned above Neil it's not just value and interest that this affects. It means you are punished for playing more defensive football as player ratings are lower, the lower ratings transmit directly to the morale, board and fan confidence and poor performances hinder player development as well. It seems unfair that I could have a five star rated fullback play rubbish for me but move to a different division and suddenly be averaging 7+ after being on a 6.4 for me for over two seasons which is a situation in my save I am about to find myself in, or the most promising youngster I've ever had come through getting poor ratings because he is a DM with a defensive duty. 

    I'm glad it's been acknowledged and the QA team are investigating as I can't really go forward with my save atm until this is fixed.


  5. 13 hours ago, Neil Brock said:

    As has been said in the other thread the issue is currently under review with our QA team and is being investigated. We're aware that defenders average ratings appear lower than they should be currently, but average ratings only have some affect on player transfer interest and value, so will not drastically affect how the gameworld plays out. 


    what about the impacts on morale? if the press and board are questioning the performances of players and in turn you criticise the player and they accept it means that it must be impacting that side as well as just transfers?? That's what feels more broken to me - the team responding to the ratings that suggest they're doing worse than they are...

  6. I've been really enjoying my save but have had to put the brakes on until after this is resolved as it seems impossible to get positive ratings from defensive players which seems to impact morale and you end up answering questions on why player X wasn't subbed when they were on a 6.1 despite playing well. The fact the press ask you why the player wasn't taken off tells me SI haven't reset what a good performance is and this is a definite bug

  7. 8 hours ago, Neil Brock said:

    Is this still the case? What resolution are you running the system in? 

    It seems to be ok after I changed the settings down to medium for quality etc and then changed them back up to high again. This has stopped the stutters. It was also almost impossible to tell any discernible visual difference when moving between high and medium!! 

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