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Posts posted by fanir

  1. The problem around here is more like having 70% possession at half-time, winning by 2 goals, closing hard on the opponent, having 15-20 shots against 0-2 shots and during the 2nd half it's like my team starts loosing control of the match. Now, complacency could be an issue but I insist with my players to stay focus around every 10-12 minutes and I also have always a box with the opponent's formation which I do not see roles and / or duty changes. So is this a known issue or something to be improved in a near future or is there any kind of solution ?

    It's not something that happens from time to time, it's every match. Tried a more lower tempo, be more disciplined, setting the team with more support duties and this keeps happening.

    I know this might not be much but I've read no team can keep up with high pressing for the full 90mins, not unless if you have 11 Ronaldos in the team! I'd suggest just going a lower mentality, defensive would usually iron games for me.

  2. If it happens every match its something you are doing wrong rather than it being a bug/issue like you think it is. Without any real tactical details from yourself no-one can help. It's better in its own thread too.

    Hi Cleon, I've been implementing your Ajax youth development methods and it's really intrigued me to produce my players better. Question, was the real reason for you to not work on match training at all (0%) due to the fact that you don't find a benefit for it because you're a top team in the league?

  3. Whichever you prefer, really. My preference is to do neither but attribute/role training, with high fitness training- I want them spending their time on getting their physical attributes moving in the right direction after the several week break. However, there is really no reason not to work them on things you want done. It all depends on your objectives. On the PPM, if they are still working on it from the previous season, I think you have to leave them to it, or you will start over from the beginning. There is no way I know of to "suspend" it just for a few week, though I wish there was (or I knew how to do it :D)

    Brilliant, cheers Doc!

    Call me OCD but you've got a weird ] in your location tab! ;)

  4. For question 1, I don't know about massively, since the bulk of development occurs from playing competitive matches, but it will slow it down. Adding preferred moves eats into the individual training time he would otherwise spend on skills training. On #2, I am not sure anymore- it used to be that way, but I think it's been changed. I'll let someone else answer that for sure.

    Thanks for the reply Doc! Also, would it make sense to have my players still on PPM or new position training during pre-season?

  5. Yes, that is a good way to view it.

    It depends on the players' interpretation of the Role / Duty used, the Team Shape, and the DM Role / Duty being compared to. A CM (D) is a very effective way of covering the space between the DC and MC lines in defensive phases, but it arguably does not do as good a job of screening that area when you are attacking. As ever, let your eyes be the judge.

    When you say player's interpretation, do you mean their attributes combined with Role/Duty for them to execute the instructions? Or me as in the manager?


  6. I’m still a tiny bit confused as to a tactic’s shape and its transition (from defense to attack). Would it make sense to say your defensive shape would be a default formation set, while the transition from defense to attack would be based on the players roles/duties?

    Also, when you say your MC(d) would fall back deeper during the defensive transition, would they be slighly higher than the usual DMC? I’m curious if its better to have MC(d) or a DMC to nullify the oppositions AMC formations.

  7. Your TI's push higher up and Hassle opposition are increasing the closing down of all players including your anchorman, if you want him to be even more defensive and act as a third dc, then you can elect to use halfback as a role, that way you can push your fullbacks up higher

    Hey rashidi1, thanks for that,

    Would the DMC be a sweeper now right behind the centerbacks or slightly lower than an anchorman, still at the DMC strata?

  8. Hey fellas, after much digging and reading, I've finally answered my own questions above!

    However, I've been watching games much more closely and I can't understand the differences between a player on defensive midfielder/anchorman role. I know you could achieve the anchorman role with a defensive midfielder with a set of instructions. But I don't quite understand what they do. In my 451 formation, my anchorman always goes down the line to close the opposition's winger instead of his role, sitting in front of the defense and sweep up loose balls or the random AMC.

    I have my TI on Control/Push Higher Up/Hassle Opposition. The anchorman doesn't do what it's supposed to on the tin!

  9. Hello guys, still on FM14. I've read somewhere that when selecting the Individual Instructions, it overrides the Team's. How about Team Instructions and Mentality? Since Mentality is also sets of instructions, if I opted for a Control Mentality and a Push Higher Up/Close Down More TI's, will they override the Mentality instructions or simply 'add on'?

    Also, when using Roam/Stick To Positions TI, what does it do actually? I'm guessing when playing a high pressure strategy, the players will most definitely leave their positions, so how does ticking Roam work here? Or does it only apply for when you're attacking?

  10. I've been trying to wrap my head around the game's mechanics and have a couple of burning questions.

    Firstly, does mentality work the same way as on previous FM versions where the move from Standard to Attacking brings us more clicks to the right for Mentality/CF/Tempo/Width? If It does, I have it on Attacking with team instructions like Slower Tempo, will it decrease the Tempo clicks as per the old FM or are we dealing with extremes? E.g. Minimum Tempo.

    Secondly, I'm confused as how individual instructions relate to team ones. I get that individual overrides team but does it work like above, in extremes or click behavior?

    Lastly, is it dangerous to have my team play narrow and have tight marking on as well? I'm looking to play a high block defense but to keep the passing distance shorted in a 41211 with DM and AML/AMR.

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