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Ackter last won the day on September 6 2023

Ackter had the most liked content!


8,137 "May the Force be with you"

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  • Member Title
    International Slow Player


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    Short person, often hairy, often in the bathroom.

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  1. I mean, its not a good stadium if it's just funneling rain on to the supporters and pitch is it ?
  2. I went for a walk and Ive come back and its suspended for a bit of rain? Wouldn't happen in Stoke.
  3. Has he been fired yet? Has anyone that's achieved so little been given so much time?
  4. I like how Southgate learned from the last two games and made no changes at all.
  5. He's gonna get sent off for it. I don't even get why he goes down, he's massive, could easily stay on his feet against most people and remain in control.
  6. Aha that was such a creepy angle on that woman and her reaction
  7. Do you think it's only the English commentators who say 'yeah but he got the ball' when fouls are called?
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