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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. On the away game tweaks, do you just do the top part (I.e WB to support and DM to defend) or do you also implement the control elements too
  2. Is it smarter to look at score or points for a team similar to yours? For example the 97% score got 104 points with Havant but the 74% score for 118 points.
  3. Tried the highest scores tactic with my national league team (tiny predicted to finish 24th team). We got about mid table as relatively inconsistent. Used the Man U 31 goals. just wondering if this is the best tactic for these lower league saves / where you are a bottom of the pecking order team. Also any tips on scouting, training, responsibilities etc would be amazing! Might be lazy, but I wanna be efficient with it and be smart in my decision making! ps: we are semiprofessional thanks all!
  4. Hi there, thanks so much for these tactics and other guidance such as shouts etc. Just wondering on the attributes section can I check two things: I assume the items outside the brackets are the main ones to look for and the ones inside the brackets are nice to have? You note the ones inside the bracket are to train. Should I be training the weakest attribute first or making a decision (i.e a tiny striker isn't worth training jumping) Thanks!
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