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Posts posted by Clampos

  1. 3 hours is my week game time. Fortunately, watching does not take as much :) Anyway, as I said before, there is no universal solution. Speaking of Control tactic in my Everton game I found that in 9.3.0:

    1) Unlike 9.2.0, my FCs have rarely been able to get some space behind AI defence or even get the ball without AI defender pressure. My FCs don't have perfect first touch, so quite often they would lose the ball after first touch. Solution - not 100% sure yet. My guess is that as IRL a team playing on counter attack would get 1 or 2 chances per game anyway, so either wait for that chance (if you have weak squad) or start to play more agressively.

    2) Too many players are asked to run with ball often. In combination with relatively low CF and high time wasting many of my players were simply running somwhere and easily disposessed. Add in the fact that my FBs, MC and one of the FC are not great dribblers. So if you have very good players that may not be an issue for you. Solution - watch and observe.

    3) Low mentality + counter-attack + mixed-to-often through ball combination caused my defs and DMC to just puff the ball up. Because of 1) it did not relly work. Solution - depends on players quality. Either employ more complicated mentality system or play more agressively.

    That's just a few major observations. You can also check stats (pass completion, tackles, etc.) for your players and AI teams from matches you played using control tactic prior to 9.3.0 and with 9.3.0. In my case I found that my FBs pass completion dropped and number of interception made by AI's defs increased. These a)confirmed my suspicions about 1) and b)led me to remove TTb from FBs instruction. But then again, it depends on YOUR team.

    Thanks for that very helpfull. I will try some tweeks based on what you have said. Cheers

  2. 9.3.0 fixed one unrealistic aspect of the game that had been there for quite a while - fast STs don't dominate so heavily anymore. I don't see 5-6 one-on-ones per game as it was in 9.2.0 or before. Pointon27's control tactic relied on pacey ST heavily. But if you think about it a little bit, watch a couple matches in full mode, it's relatively easy to tune the tactic up, especially if your players are good enough. However, depending on the team you playing with and quality of your players you may need to follow different path.

    Any actual suggestions or is this just a cryptic post? Personally I dont have time to spend 3 hours watching 2 games in full so actual advice would be better. Sounds like you may know so I'm just suggesting you share your knowledge....

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