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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    FC Metz

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  1. Hi Dave, thanks for your answer, it may look stupid, but i couldn't find how to upload my file when replying here...
  2. Hello FM fans, I have set-up a customized league in 2 phases: 24 teams in 1st phase, then split in 2, the first 12 teams battle for the title and european places and the last 12 fighting to avoid relegation. The issue I have is on the club screen, competition history. It shows for every clubs 2 lines for the same season: 1 line for the first phase and another line for the 2nd phase. I would like to only keep the 2nd phase history in the club screen and struggling to know where to set this up in the editor (for the 2nd phase, I know the trick by ticking the "keep championship history box). Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!
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