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49 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. As a veteran player who has stayed loyal to the game, I believe Sports Interactive should really reflect upon the state of the AI before adding new features. I've found squad-building particularly flawed this year. As an example, AI squads (specially in the biggest teams) are incredibly big, with as many as 8-10 non-registered players. The AI squad-building suffers particularly with players aged 21-23 who are no longer useful for the U21 team yet don't have the quality to be considered for the first team. Simply put, the loan system is broken, as nobody has interest in young players from big clubs, and clubs find it impossible to offload these players. The reality of professional football is that managers would rather have small squads, with two players per position and maybe 1-2 emergency backups or hot prospects. Yet the AI often throws in squads of 30-35 players who are totally unmanagable and unrealistic (just have a look at Man City's squad from the second season onwards). I know this kind of worked fine at some point in the past, but somehow this year's edition has gotten it totally wrong.
  2. Apparently younger players keep flooding the official forums complaining about the number of injuries and SI conceded for commercial reasons. Not only the injuries are 80% (or less), but their impact on player's current ability (specially long-term injuries) is close to zero, when in real life (and older versions of the game) you can see an obvious impact.
  3. The solution would be for the AI to have a clear idea of the squad, which players can play where (properly training them to do so) and also having a small selection of youth players (3-4) that wants to give chances to during the season and are kept in the U21s or B squad. In order to do so, squads would need to be smaller and better built. In the second season of most games, for example, Man City has a first squad of almost 40 because of all the players returning from loans (the game is specially bad at this, as big teams usually have no more than 5-8 players loaned out when in reality you could see 20-25). To sum up: smaller senior squads and better built Youth teams with selected prospects in them.
  4. It's easy. People complained that the AI wasn't developing youth players and some developer changed it so now it throws random kids into the lineups and bench without any clue at all, leaving senior players out for no reason. Simply put, the AI is as messed up as it ever has been.
  5. Seeing as SI has finally given up to new players (FIFA kids) on this issue, I would ask to have at least the option (similar to My World, Real World, etc) of a realistic injury ratio for advanced gamers who want a realistic experience. Personally, I've lost total interest in the game. The AI is just dumb and players are always healthy. The most common number of injuries in PL clubs after a couple of seasons is zero or one. This is ridiculous. The game has become easier and easier with every iteration until it has just lost interest.
  6. I can confirm this has not been resolved but there's an easy workaround to selecting your U21s and U18s tactic from a drop-down menu (it still works). Just follow these steps: 1. Make sure you delegate all training (global and individual) for the U21s and U18s to your youth team staff (this will make the fast access icons to the left of the main screen disappear). 2. Make sure you have the desired tactics as an option for your first-team squad in your main tactics screen. 3. Through your development center screen, acess the tactics screen for either your U21s or U18s. There you will see a simplified tactics menu with a drop-down option with all the tactics that are available to your first-team. Select as you wish. 4. Now you can revert to manually training your U21s and U18s and the selected tactic will be the default for those squads, even if it doesn't match your first team's. Hope this helps.
  7. Just for confirmation, I became Chelsea manager and selected my Premier League squad choosing every over-21 player in the squad. No problem at all as you can see in the screenshot.
  8. Just for confirmation: https://www.football.london/chelsea-fc/news/chelsea-premier-league-squad-named-27706006 https://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/liverpool-submit-premier-league-squad-2023-24
  9. That is clearly not true, as you can see by merely looking at the first screenshot. They have already met the homegrown quota (8 out of 25 registered) and yet they leave players unregistered. In real life, Liverpool and Chelsea had absolutely no problem in registering every player in the squad, but not in FM. Clearly a bug.
  10. The tendency of AI managers to sub off players who have just entered the pitch borders on ridiculous and kills the immersion factor. It happens very often, both in friendlies and official games, with no apparent reason. In reality, this scenario is possible, yet highly unlikely.
  11. This is a misconception. When you edit the incidence ratio of an injury in the editor, you only change the probability of total injuries being of said type, not the global number of injuries themselves. So it makes no real effect. The current way to actually increase injuries is giving every player an injury proneness aproaching 20. I have made several tests with this and the game becomes more realistic. However, I would still welcome an official option for realistic injuries similar to what we had in the past (I still play FM13 Classic from time to time and things get really challenging there).
  12. This is not a bug. Stop crying. If you don't like your players being injured, use the in-game editor to heal them and cheat. Goodness me... By the way, I have opened a feature request for 1:1 injuries that actually simulate real-life and I see there are other players also requesting this. I really miss the old times.
  13. Fortunately, I have been able to solve the problem by uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Now the FPS are optimal on very high quality on every view in the match engine.
  14. In the media descriptions of players, full-backs keep appearing as "lateral defensivo". The term "full-back" should translate simply as "lateral" and "attacking full-back" should be either "carrilero" or "lateral ofensivo". Similarly, the media description translation for "winger" should be "extremo", and not "interior". The term "interior" in spanish refers to a central midfielder in a 4-3-3, not to a winger. So, "winger" should always be "extremo".
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