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203 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"

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    Karanka ka ka ka ka

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  1. Yeah I do now, had it in my head the third placed teams were ranked and thought it was slightly unfair we were getting the top ranked team after topping our group I think I've made a lot of the permutations up in my head as I've been reading.
  2. @Rob1981 This 3rd place thing is baffling me. Why is it Netherlands at the minute and why might it change? Why are we getting the highest ranked 3rd place team? I've tried to work this out for 24 hours and now I need assistance
  3. 21 hours ago I voted @Gizzy
  4. Voted gunman in 2nd although close call, think frontline just gets better of mrw's right side of defence. And SCR better balanced
  5. @Muttley84 apologies I voted for myself by mistake so please vote for yourself I'd have voted you even if it wasn't me you were against
  6. 7 minutes of football and my only analysis so far is that the cockerill is ****ing massive.
  7. Fined 15 votes, only fair way to go
  8. Paul, grff and Harry. Paul's team one of the strongest so far, grff/pompey was a toss up, midfield battle won it and Harry just over Rebs. I'd have voted draws in last two if it was an option. Side note - I voted for golden boy in first by mistake but looking at it, shouldn't make too much of a difference!
  9. Andraz Sporar Loved him at Boro, c'mon Slovenia for this alone.
  10. Losing de Jong has hampered me I reckon. Think I'd still have voted for mrw if it wasn't against me. If I could've picked a draw between Darius and Big V I would have. Toss of a coin really. Close again in last one but Mbappe factor clinches it.
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