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401 "They call it a Royale with cheese"

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  1. Cruising during a game, scoring goals from various players and various ways, my AS suggest playing for more set pieces as they seem to be working, erm no my attacking free flowing football is what's winning the game not the odd free kick or corner. This game is all over the place, boring as hell once you suss out how to play the ME, talking to players creates a host of problems and pressers are just a total waste.
  2. Tried most of the top 4321 tactics, is it just me but can't get my AF to score goals, plenty from elsewhere but not him?
  3. Is there any possession based tactics that work, or are they mostly quick short passing. We know how patient Man City are with slower passing possession but the ME doesn't seen to like that.
  4. Been saying that for the last 4 versions of this game,ME has been a mess for a long time, once you get a dominant tactic, the rest us easy and boring.
  5. Re starting a new save with Hibernian after playing a save with Aston Villa, what would you suggest as a good tactic for Hibs in the SPFL.
  6. My AM is suggesting we play these young lads in a pre season friendly and they are not part of the 1st team squad, I'm just curious why he's doing this as we have 24 1st team players registered but I'll have a look at what you are suggesting. I've had a look and only my 1st team are ticked to play in either friendlies/games as I had thought, which makes it weird why he's suggesting players not in the squad for these games.
  7. A friendly for 1st team squad, not for some young 16 yr olds from the U 18 squad . I have players valued in their millions who need match sharpness, young guys on £400 a week play their own pre season friendlies.
  8. Pre season and my AS wants me to play three 16 years old in the next friendly game, erm I have a 1st team squad of 24 and these guys are only starting their careers and are nowhere near 1st team ready, why???
  9. He does exactly what I do, if I leave my DOF to get players they're generally crap and I just end up withdrawing offer, far too many things in game you don't need to bother with and just delegate them to Am or a coach who can do it.
  10. This is in the in game editor, he has a PA of 150 but in that save the coaches had him as a potential to be a good player with 2.5 stars, in my next save he's now seen as a future star player with a PA of 4.5 stars, same coaches each time. He's not a young 16 year old but an 18 year old who has played half a dozen 1st team games.
  11. PA of 150, he had the same PA in the other save but only 2.5 stars, this time he has a full 4 star potential, how can there be such a discrepancy. This is one of numerous issues with the games over the past 4-5 years.
  12. This is the standard of the game, I have a young 17yr old mid who has a PA of 150, in game my coaches have him at 2.5 star PA, start a new game and this time he has a potential of 4-5 stars.
  13. He has a good rep with high stats for negotiation and buying players but insists on trying to buy the biggest load of crap for the youth and reserve teams, is this the norm in the game, not been on here in a while.
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